Teaching: The Load-Bearing Walls Speaker Notes: Participants should sit at grade-level tables for both of today’s sessions. Materials required: Chart paper and markers for all participants Grade-level manipulative sets Mathematics 6–12 | Pathway 2 | Day 4
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Welcome Back! Speaker Notes: (< 1 min) Thank you for your time and attention yesterday!
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Thank You for Your Feedback! + Speaker Notes (<10 min): Thank you for your feedback! I want to talk through some trends, and let you know what I’m doing for the factors within my control.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) This Week Day Ideas Monday 10:00–4:30 ALIGN Is my unit aligned to the standards and shifts? Tuesday 09:15–4:30 ADAPT How do I adapt my unit for students who are behind? Wednesday 8:30–4:30 TASKS & DISCOURSE How do I prepare for student engagement? Thursday 9:45–4:30 TEACH How do I prepare to teach an aligned lesson? Friday 9:45–2:30 MOVING FORWARD How do I prepare to implement change? Four days of “Practicum” Speaker Notes (1 min): Here is what this week will look like. Today we will focus on alignment. This morning we will spend time learning about the load-bearing walls and how they can be used to deliver standards-aligned instruction with access for all. This afternoon we will spend time learning about lesson delivery and effective feedback.
Take responsibility for yourself as a learner. TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Norms That Support Our Learning Take responsibility for yourself as a learner. Honor time frames (start, end, and activity). Be an active and hands-on learner. Use technology to enhance learning. Strive for equity of voice. Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know.” Identify and reframe deficit thinking and speaking. Time: < 1 minute Speaker Notes: Here is what this week will look like. Today we will focus on alignment. This morning we will spend time learning about the Mathematics Content Guide, and analyzing Part 1 for focus and rigor. This afternoon we will analyze Part 2 for within grade coherence, and use what we notice in our analysis of the Guide to help us determine if our own units align to the shifts.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Objectives Identify and prioritize key questions, activities, and interactions (“load- bearing walls”) within lessons. Identify opportunities to link to prerequisite knowledge and skills in a given lesson, and plan lesson structures that relate new and prior learning. Practice taking low-inference observation notes as a step toward identifying effective instruction and providing feedback to teachers. Prepare a lesson from your own unit for teaching, including load-bearing walls and/or connections to prerequisites. Identify concrete individual commitments and team structures for continuing curricular work during the school year. Speaker Notes (1 min): Today we’re going to be looking at two key teacher moves that support standards-aligned instruction. For now, it’s enough to know that we’ll call them “load-bearing walls” and “connections to prerequisites,” and that our focus will be on identifying and highlighting them in lessons.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Agenda Morning: Reflection & Motivation Intro: “Load-Bearing Walls” Practice: Highlighting the “Load-Bearing Walls” Break Intro: Connecting to Prerequisites Practice: Connecting to Prerequisites Afternoon: Reflection on the Morning Preparing a Lesson for Teaching Break Table Teaching Protocol Team Reflection: Taking This Work Home Speaker Notes (1 min): Here’s a look at our agenda for this session. For each move, we’ll take some time to learn the “whys” and “hows,” and then you’ll have a chance to practice with a sample lesson. Later this afternoon, you’ll practice preparing and delivering one of your own lessons using these moves. Buckle your seatbelts!
What is a new understanding you’ve gained this week? TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) I. Reflection & Motivation Partner Share: What is a new understanding you’ve gained this week? How will it impact your practice at home? Speaker Notes (5 min): The purpose of this question is to (a) get participants active and engaged in the morning, and (b) to help them continue thinking about how they might integrate the lessons from this week into their regular practice back at school. From their responses, you might also get a read on how well the ideas from this week are sinking in.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Reflection & Motivation Partner Share: Imagine you’re teaching a lesson tomorrow morning. What do you do to prepare between now and then, and why? (Assume that the lesson is already written.) Speaker Notes (5 min): The purpose of this question is to put participants in a lesson-planning frame of mind. Some might have habits that align with good instruction, and some might need to reprioritize their daily preparation (and in some cases, both of these things might be true). After everyone has a chance to share, the main idea is: there are lots of things we do to prepare for a lesson, and we want to make sure we’re taking care of the most important details.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Reflection & Motivation What we do Why? “Logistical stuff.” Gather materials, print things out. Pretty non-negotiable! ☺ Do ALL the math. Do the problems, exercises, and activities. Especially the Exit Ticket! Understand the target of the lesson. Preempt student misconceptions. Understand levels of difficulty in problems for differentiation purposes. Reference the standards addressed. How does the lesson build to what’s described? Understand the “load-bearing walls.” What is important? What isn’t that important? Consider the students in front of you. Adapt and add connections as needed. Meet students where they are. Some possible responses Speaker Notes (2 min): Most of the preparation activities just mentioned probably fall into one of these categories. Good teachers do the types of things in the top two rows. Even better teachers do the two things we’re focusing on today. Let’s dive into the first one. Our focus today
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) II TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) II. Intro: “Load-Bearing Walls” 7.EE.B.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. 7.EE.B.4.A Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers. Solve equations of these forms fluently. Compare an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identifying the sequence of the operations used in each approach. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle is 54 cm. Its length is 6 cm. What is its width? Speaker Notes (7 min): Let’s look at this standard. What would be important to see in the lesson to ensure we are meeting this standard? Consider the specific language of the standard and the targeted aspects of rigor. Some things to notice: specific forms of equations; explicit comparison of algebraic and arithmetic solutions; equations should involve all manner of rational numbers; procedural aspect in fluent equation solving; application aspect in representing various “real-world or mathematical” problems.
EngageNY Grade 7, Module 3, Lesson 8, Example 1 TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) How Does the Lesson Meet the Standard? EngageNY Grade 7, Module 3, Lesson 8, Example 1 Speaker Notes (10 min): What about this problem and the way it’s presented in the lesson aligns it to the standard? Give participants a few minutes to think and discuss. They should notice that students are solving an equation derived from a “real-world” problem, that they’re solving in two ways (allowing them to compare methods in the ensuing discussion), and that they’re working with rational numbers. Work like this develops fluency with solving equations, too. If no one mentions it, interrogate the group about how they could increase access to the problem using MLRs.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) What Can Happen in Class? Speaker Notes (10 min): This is the way the discussion following the problem was planned . . . and this is how it played out. What’s missing? (Give participants a few minutes to think and discuss. Prompt them to think about why the teacher might have eliminated these sections of lesson. One reason might be that she/he just didn’t realize which parts were important; another might be that the most important parts of a lesson often require the greatest amount of “heavy lifting” from students, so are the hardest to get right.) And what’s the result? (Give participants another minute or so to discuss. Basically, the lesson has become about the mechanics of equation solving, rather than about interpreting situations or seeing the connections between arithmetic and algebraic methods.) (Note: there is some nuance in this example. This teacher may have had a reason for focusing on the algebraic “moves” involved with solving. However, she/he will need to raise the other important questions in this sequence later in her/his instruction so that students are exposed to the full standard. The message to participants should be that it’s okay to be selective in planning, but that we want to make intentional, standards-aligned choices.)
“Use variables to represent quantities . . .” TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Seeing the “Load-Bearing Walls” “Use variables to represent quantities . . .” “Solve equations of these forms fluently.” “Compare an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution . . .” Speaker Notes (5 min): Here’s one possible solution to the problem. What did this teacher do? Participants should quickly see: read the lesson with an eye to what’s most important, and highlight those in the plan. What did this person highlight? One question that asks students to explain how they represented the problem algebraically; another that analyzes the algebraic “moves” being made; and a third question that asks them to compare the algebraic and arithmetic solution methods. The others aren’t entirely negligible, but at least we have a clear picture of which questions directly target the standard.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) The Load-Bearing Walls: Some “Look Fors” Representations 7.EE.B.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. 7.EE.B.4.A Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers. Solve equations of these forms fluently. Compare an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identifying the sequence of the operations used in each approach. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle is 54 cm. Its length is 6 cm. What is its width? Number sets, types of equations All verbs Speaker Notes (5 min): So what are the types of things we should be looking for in a standard? Here are four ideas—some “look fors” when reading standards. Number sets and types of equations: specify an appropriate degree of complexity for problems in a given grade. Methods: identify specifically how students should approach a problem. Verbs: give us clues about what students should be doing to develop conceptual understanding. Representations: give us another building block of conceptual understanding. Methods
Module 1, Lesson 25 Lesson 10 Module 2, Lesson 2 A-REI.1 G-CO.8 TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) III. Practice: “Load-Bearing Walls” Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 6.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3.C 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2.D 8.G.A 8.G.A.2 Module 1, Lesson 25 Lesson 10 Module 2, Lesson 2 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II A-REI.1 G-CO.8 A-REI.2 Module 1, Lesson 1 Module 3, Lesson 2 Speaker Notes (30 min): (8 min) At our grade-level tables, we’re going to practice finding the load-bearing walls in an exemplar lesson. Before we get to the lesson plan itself, though, we need to look at the standards involved. What types of “load-bearing walls” would you expect to see in lessons for these standards? (Give participants two minutes to read standards and discuss at tables. Take one response from each table.) (20 min) Okay, now it’s time to take a look at our lessons. (Reveal.) Where do you see the “load-bearing walls”? Highlight or mark up this lesson in the same way you would if you were delivering it to students. (Give another few minutes for participants to read and discuss. Table leaders will assist.)
Break (15 min) Break
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Share Where did you see the “load-bearing walls” in these lessons? Speaker Notes (7 min): Take one response from each table. Some ideas: Grade 6: Example 1: Students write a ratio and then relate it to a percent using several representations (tape diagram, grid), allowing them to see how percent is a specialized form of a rate. Example 2 and Exercises: Students continually write equivalent rates out of 100 (e.g., 70/100 happy people in Example 2) in order to calculate percent of a quantity. This is much better than the old “divide and move the decimal point” method, which doesn’t relate the concepts of rate and percent very well at all. Grade 7: Example 2: After the problem, the teacher pushes students to interpret various aspects of the graph. Several questions focus on the relationship between the unit rate and the point (1, r). Exercises and Closing: Problems require students to articulate the role of the points (0, 0) and (1, r) in a proportional relationship and relate them to the situational context. The closing discussion reinforces the importance of these points. Grade 8: Example 2: Introduces students to the properties of a translation through transparencies. While a teacher might want to modify the details of the activity to suit her/his students, taking a “hands-on” approach is definitely a good way to begin. Exercise 2: Contains points, segments, and angles, allowing students to experience with two of the three specific properties mentioned in 8.G.A.1. The discussion that follows pushes students to articulate where they noticed each property at work. Algebra 1: All future solving depends on this one—it lays the foundation for the concept of reasoning toward solutions, including the core idea of “reversibility.” The first 3-minute discussion is crucial to understanding equivalence. The second discussion as well; and exercise 4. Geometry: Opening and closing of the discussion, along with the transformations themselves. And exercises. Algebra 2: The discussion before exercise 3 and exercises 3 and 4. Image Source: https://elizabethgatlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Load-Bearing-Walls.jpg
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) IV TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) IV. Intro: Connecting to Prerequisites 7.EE.B.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. 7.EE.B.4.A Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r, where p, q, and r are specific rational numbers. Solve equations of these forms fluently. Compare an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identifying the sequence of the operations used in each approach. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle is 54 cm. Its length is 6 cm. What is its width? Speaker Notes (10 min): Let’s look at the standard again. What are the prerequisites? Note: This standard is not in the current Grade 7 content guide, and will require some “sleuthing” (i.e., reading standards and/or using the Coherence Map).
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Prerequisites for 7. EE TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Prerequisites for 7.EE.B.4 6.EE.B.6: Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem . . . 6.EE.B.7: Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q . . . 7.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers . . . 7.NS.A.2: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers. Speaker Notes (5 min): Take ideas and reveal answers. Obviously, there are all kinds of connections within the standards, but these are probably the most notable.
Draw a tape diagram that shows the situation. TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) What Could We Ask Students to Do First? 6.EE.B.7 Samantha bought 3 candy bars and paid $10.50. How much did each bar cost? Draw a tape diagram that shows the situation. Write a numerical expression you could use to solve. Write an algebraic equation you could also use to solve. Solve your equation. Speaker Notes (5 min): Let’s look at our Grade 7 lesson once more. This problem “dives into” grade-level material without much connection to what students already know. (Those who use EngageNY know that the fluency activities often perform this function, but let’s set that aside for a moment.) What sorts of problems, questions, or activities from Grade 6 or earlier in Grade 7 could we use to get students thinking along the same lines as 7.EE.B.4? (Give participants a few minutes to discuss. Listen in and have 1–2 participants share connections to Grade 6 solving simple equations, or Grade 7 operations with rational numbers.) (Reveal problems.) So maybe this lesson begins with a problem like this one, which involves all of the same concepts and skills students will need for Grade 7 work, but at a level of complexity they’ve experienced before. A few processing questions might follow; for example, “How are your expression and the solution to your equation similar? How did you know to divide by 3 (or multiply by 1/3) in your solution?” By clearly connecting to prerequisite knowledge, students should have a general idea of where they’re going, even though there will be more details to handle in Grade 7.
SESSION 1 (111M): Rigor– Calibrating Common Core (6 – 8) BREAK Lunch
TEACHING: PRACTICE WITH YOUR LESSONS (GRADES 6–12) Welcome Back! Speaker Notes (1 min): Thank you for your time and attention this morning! We will continue our planning process from where we left it at lunch.
Highlight/build in explicit connections to prior learning. TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) V. Practice: Connecting to Prerequisites Identify the prerequisite standards. Where does your lesson extend from? Highlight/build in explicit connections to prior learning. Example: Write a short set of warm-up problems and 2–3 follow-up questions that help students draw connections to what they’ve already learned. Example: Identify an important opening activity (if already included in the lesson) and write 2–3 follow-up questions. Speaker Notes (30 min): Let’s take another look at the standards and lessons you analyzed earlier. (8 min) First, what are the prerequisite concepts and skills you could leverage in teaching these standards? (Give participants a few minutes to “sleuth” these standards and discuss.) (20 min) (Reveal second part of task.) Now let’s turn to the lesson. What problems, questions, or activities could you use to make an important connection to what students already know? (Briefly discuss the examples and possibly take other suggestions from participants. Then give a longer work interval for participants to highlight and add features to lesson plans. Table leaders will assist. The goal is for participants to have a fully developed lesson plan that could be used effectively with students.) If needed, use the next slide for reference as participants are working. Use the next slide to remind participants of the standards and lessons they’re engaged with.
Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 6.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3.C 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2.D 8.G.A TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Practice: Connecting to Prerequisites Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 6.RP.A.3 6.RP.A.3.C 7.RP.A.2 7.RP.A.2.D 8.G.A 8.G.A.1 Module 1, Lesson 25 Lesson 10 Module 2, Lesson 2 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II A-REI.1 G-CO.8 A-REI.2 Module 1, Lesson 26 Lesson 22 Speaker Notes: For reference as you’re working, here are the standards and lessons we’re dealing with.
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Share Speaker Notes (7 min): Take one response from each table. Utilize table leaders (and table leader guides) for exemplar responses. Where did you see opportunities for connecting to prerequisites in these lessons?
TEACHING: PRACTICE WITH YOUR LESSONS (GRADES 6–12) I. Reflection Partner Share Share something you learned that you can take back to your classroom to ensure that all students have access to high-quality instruction. How will you incorporate the use of load-bearing walls into your planning routine? Speaker Notes (7 min): Teachers have all kinds of different systems and routines for planning. The purpose of this question is to get participants thinking about how they might incorporate the learning from this morning into their daily and weekly routines.
1A: “…focuses on the depth of…grade- level content standard(s)…” TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Aligned Instruction: Where Are We? IPG Indicators: 1A: “…focuses on the depth of…grade- level content standard(s)…” 1B: “…intentionally relates new concepts to students’ prior skills and knowledge.” 1C: “…intentionally targets the aspect(s) of rigor called for by the standard(s)…” 2A: “…makes the mathematics of the lesson explicit by using explanations, representations, and/or examples.” Speaker Notes (2 min): In education, it can sometimes seem like good ideas are constantly being recycled and “rebranded.” It can get confusing—am I learning this for the first time, or have I heard this one before? We don’t want to be part of that problem. So, full disclosure: the two “moves” we’re going to examine might sound new and unfamiliar, but they’re actually part of an established set of best practices for mathematics instruction. One place you can see them reflected is SAP’s Instructional Practice Guide—particularly in indicators 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2A. Source Material: https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/IPG_Coaching_Math_k-8.pdf
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Observing Instruction We will focus on some of the Core Actions to help us observe instruction around the load-bearing walls and organize our feedback. The Core Actions are: 1A 1B 1C 2A It addresses Standard 5.NF.3. Speaker Notes (20 min): Framing: Before we teach the load-bearing wall of our lessons, we need to hone our skills in observing and giving feedback. We will use this fraction division video and parts of the IPG tool to practice. It’s important to capture evidence (what the teacher is doing and what students are doing) that is free of judgment (low-inference notes). Play the video. Image is linked to the site where you can play the video. If link does not work, copy and paste on your browser: https://www.engageny.org/resource/nti-november-2012-rigor-breakdown-fractions-as-division-concrete-to-pictorial. After the video plays, there will be time for you to organize your observation before we discuss what we saw. Facilitator Notes: This video addresses 5.NF.3. Before we start the observation, pull up standard 5.NF.3 and review it for some of its expectations. Give them about 5 min to organize their notes before discussion. Reference: Grade 5 Math: Fractions as Division-Concrete to Pictorial 5.NF.3 https://www.engageny.org/resource/nti-november-2012-rigor-breakdown-fractions-as-division-concrete-to-pictorial
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Video Observation Table Discussion Did the instruction you observed align with the standard? What aspect of rigor seemed to be emphasized? How were students building conceptual understanding? Were students engaged in mathematical discourse? How did the teacher build access to the language of the lesson? Speaker Notes (15 min): Facilitator Notes 10 min Engage table groups in providing low-inference evidence to support their position about each of the questions. Suggest that they create a chart to summarize the group’s position. 5 min Have groups share their observations in an additive fashion. Encourage inclusion of MLRs as a viable answer to the last bullet in the table discussion
What Is Effective Feedback? When Giving Feedback TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6-12) Video Observation & Feedback What Is Effective Feedback? Tangible & Transparent – uses data that is accessible and easy to understand Actionable – concrete, specific, accurate, and useful data Accepted by the teacher Specific & Personalized Timely When Giving Feedback Based on effective evidence Reinforced with effective practices Be Specific Be Descriptive Note the impact of teacher actions on students Attend to teacher’s stated need/area of focus Speaker Notes (5 min): Facilitator Notes 3 min Ask the question rhetorically—there should be enough teachers and coaches in the room to volunteer most of the items on this list. [CLICK] 2 min SAY: Another important aspect of the observation cycle is that the feedback needs to be delivered. When giving feedback, it is important that it be: [CLICK] ASK participants if there is anything else they have found useful when either giving or receiving feedback. Let’s keep these in mind when we engage in offering our peers feedback on their load-bearing wall teaching. Source: Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning. New York: Routledge. • Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). “The power of feedback.” Review of Educational Research 77, no. 1, 81–112. • Wiggins, G. (September 2012). “7 keys to effective feedback.” Educational Leadership 70, no. 1, 11–16.
Break Break (15 min)
Select a 3–4 minute section from your own lesson. TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6-12) II. Preparing a Lesson for Teaching Select a 3–4 minute section from your own lesson. Prepare the lesson plan: examine the standards, highlight, and/or add load-bearing walls or connections, as needed. Prepare your “board” and any manipulatives you’ll need. Speaker Notes: (25–35 min total: 5 min for directions/lesson selection + 10–15 min lesson preparation + 10–15 min materials preparation) To see how well our plans will work in “real life,” we’re going to practice delivering a portion of one lesson to the teammates at our tables. This type of practice feels a little awkward at first, but it’s the only way to know that our planning is feasible for students. We’re going to “zoom in” on the part of the lesson where students do their most important thinking. Four minutes isn’t a lot of time, so you’re probably only looking at one key problem and the questions around it. (Table leaders will monitor time and assist participants at their tables as needed. Prompt participants to move from one phase of planning to the next.)
Introduction: 2 sentences Standard and objective/aim TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6-12) III. Table Teaching Protocol Introduction: 2 sentences Standard and objective/aim Brief lesson context Go “all in” for your role: Use your “teacher voice.” Stay in character the entire time. Specify Equity Move Next person in line is “coach,” who keeps time (4 minutes + 1 extra if needed) and gives feedback: 1 content-related “glow” 1 content-related “grow” for next time Speaker Notes: (45–55 min total: 5–10 min model + 40–45 min table teaching) Quickly go over each point. Use the participants at one table as an example to show how the teaching/coaching cycle will go. “Students” should model good behavior and give grade-appropriate responses. We’re practicing a certain aspect of lesson delivery, so we want to allow our teammates to focus on what’s most important. Model teaching Exercise 2 from EngageNY Grade 6, Module 1, Lesson 3: Designate a table leader as your coach—who will be responsible for taking low-inference notes. (It may help to discuss with the coach ahead of time what “content-related” feedback looks like—e.g. suggestions for questions to ask, or content points that could be made more clearly—so that participants hear the type of feedback they should be giving one another.) Give a two-sentence introduction. (Example: “This is lesson on 6.RP.A.1 and 6.RP.A.3.A introduces students to the idea of equivalent ratios. In this problem, I’ll be using a ratio table and a tape diagram to help students explore a set of equivalent ratios, and then I’ll ask them to develop a definition of this.”) Quickly teach the problem, modeling “all in” performance. Address MLR and level of cognitive demand. Is there opportunity for discourse using the 5 Practices? Elicit feedback from coach. Alternate teaching and coaching roles around the table with emphasis on note-taking and feedback from coach.
Why focus on Load-Bearing Walls? TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6-12) IV. Reflection: Journal Entry Prompts: Why focus on Load-Bearing Walls? How does the focus on Load- Bearing Walls promote equitable access to the math curriculum? Speaker Notes (5–10 min): Give participants 5–10 minutes to react to any one or all of these prompts. Depending on the group, you may choose to popcorn some responses.
Feedback Please fill out the survey located here: www.standardsinstitutes.org Click “Winter 2018” on the top of the page. Click “Details” on the center of the page. 7 min Speaker's Notes: Please fill out the survey to help us improve!
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Reference List Slide Source 13–15, 22–23 EngageNY Grade 7, Module 3, Lesson 8 (teacher version) from EngageNY.org of the New York State Education Department is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. 28 https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/IPG_Coaching_Math_k-8.pdf 29 Fractions as Division-Concrete to Pictorial 5.NF.3 https://www.engageny.org/resource/nti-november-2012-rigor-breakdown-fractions-as-division-concrete-to-pictorial 31 Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning. New York: Routledge. • Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). “The power of feedback.” Review of Educational Research 77, no. 1, 81–112. • Wiggins, G. (September 2012). “7 keys to effective feedback.” Educational Leadership 70, no. 1, 11–16. 34 https://www.unbounded.org/math/grade-6/module-1/topic-a/lesson-3
TEACHING: THE LOAD-BEARING WALLS (GRADES 6–12) Image References Slide Source 2 “Welcome Mat” by Dru Bloomfield (Flickr) 6 “Textures: 100-year-old bricks in Scarborough bldg office. Not load-bearing, I trust!” by rg-fotos (Flickr) 9 “Share” by C!... (Flickr) 10 “Morning Clouds” by Ivan 18 https://elizabethgatlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Load-Bearing-Walls.jpg 17 “Latte Art Smile” by Brain J (Flickr) 25 “connection” by wolfgangfoto (Flickr) 26 “Coffee Break” by Sam Carpenter (Flickr) “Welcome” by alborzshawn (Flickr) 4 “Sharing” by Ben Grey (Flickr) 5 “Prepare” by Photo Monkey (Flickr) 7 “Snack Break” by IPlayHockey (Flickr) 8 “Obstacle Course” by David K (Flickr) “Structure” by Saurabh Tewari (Flickr)