Wilco Construction Company Initial Project Assessment
Business Case Intro Issues Category Risk Inadequate/inaccurate employee hourly tracking system Human resources High Difficulty generating EEOC reports Lack of equipment maintenance tracking Maintenance Catastrophic Lack of job titles Medium
Proposed HR System System Issues Addressed Cost in USD Pros Cons In-House (Web-based or OS native app) Worker info (ethnicity included), hourly management, and job titling 5000-10000 one time Highly customizable and build to suit the specifications No post-dev tech support. If it goes it goes! High risk of failure. Lengthy dev time and training Off-Shelf (Excel or Access) 300-1000 one time A cheaper alternative. Less time to develop. Minimal support and OS and client hardware specific Cloud Based (e.g. WorkForce) 200-500 /month + number of additional employees No dev. Cloud technology and tons of tech support provided by host Month cost and not customizable.
Proposed Equipment System Issues Addressed Cost in USD Pros Cons In-House (Web-based or OS native app) Equipment inventory and maintenance management 5000-20000 for the analysis, development and deployment. Covers programming time and hardware. Highly customizable and build to suit the specifications No post-dev tech support. If it goes it goes! High risk of failure. Lengthy dev time and training Off-Shelf (Excel or Access) 300-1000 one time for the software license and about 1000-2000 on customizing the app A cheaper alternative. Less time to develop. Minimal support and OS and client hardware specific Cloud Based (e.g. Asset Panda) 700-1200 /annum (based on 500-1000 items) No dev. Cloud technology and tons of tech support provided by host. NO on situ hardware. Annual cost and not as customizable as .