Conference Presentation Your Name
Social Studies So far, we’ve studied about the early explorers. We learned that they began exploring in search of new land, money, and religious freedom. We learned about the lost colony of Roanoke, and how its disappearance is still a mystery. We also studied the first permanent settlement of Jamestown, and learned about their struggles to survive. Some of the projects I liked most were I found Social Studies difficult when we
Social Studies I am most proud of In the future, I will work on
Reading So far, I have learned a lot of new Spelling and vocabulary words! We have read a lot of stories that talk about people meeting challenges, and how they face them. My favorite story was We also performed a play called “Now I Understand!”. It talked about different strategies to use when reading. The strategy I like to use most when I read is My favorite thing about Reading is
Reading To improve in reading I need to At home I read about The last thing I read at home was
Writing In Writers’ Workshop, we’ve worked on having a focused paragraph that is organized and uses transitions to connect the ideas in my paragraph. We have also used RIDE to respond to an open ended question. RIDE stands for: Restate the question; Introduce my idea; Details; and Ending. Now we are working on our Personal Narratives! My Personal Narrative is about I am a good writer because
Writing As a writer, I would like to work on
Math So far, we’ve studied place value and ordering numbers. We have also learned how to multiply and divide using the traditional method. We have even learned how to divide using an area model! Here is a tutorial I made explaining how to solve using the Scientific Method: When it comes to math, I am great at
Math When it comes to math, I need to work on The lesson I found most difficult was Outside school, I use math when I
Overall Reflection On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I rate myself a ____ for my doing my homework carefully and on time. I can improve/continue to do well by On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I would rate myself a ___ in the area of organization. I rated myself this because On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I would rate myself a ___ in the area of responsibility. I rated myself this because
Overall Reflection Continued On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I would rate myself a ___ in the area of following directions. I rated myself this because On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I would rate myself a ___ in the area of respect for others. I rated myself this because On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I would rate my behavior a ___. I rated myself this because
Goals I Would Like to Reach The following are 3 goals I have made for myself: Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3: So far in 5th grade, I am most proud of My favorite part of 5th grade is I am really looking forward to
Before You Leave… Return any folders or books to your desk. Take home your Conference Portfolio and Report Card. Both are for you to keep. Thank you… Thank you for being a part of our student led conferences, and for your time and commitment to your child’s education!