Career Management Dr. Janie S. Torain
Each day you need to have a… 2” 3 ring binder (that will be used only for this class) Loose-leaf notebook paper Highlighter Pencil(s) or pen(s) Willingness to learn Good attitude
Our classroom needs these items… Tissues Magic markers Colored pencils Colored paper Colored cardstock Post-it notes Poster board Construction paper Index cards If each family could donate at least 1 it would be extremely helpful!
Behavior: Respect yourself Respect others, including other students, teachers, and school staff Respect the classroom equipment Respect the classroom environment Raise your hand before speaking No talking unless called on or given permission Consuming gum, candy, food, or drinks is not allowed Do not print unless told to do so Embrace diversity among students and teachers
Responsibilities: Come to class prepared (notebook, paper, pencil, pen, calculator, good attitude) Be in your seat before the bell rings Late work is not accepted unless arrangements are made by the student with the teacher Listen to instructions the first time they are given and ask for clarification if necessary
Procedures: When you come to class sit down and get your notebook out and begin work on the Bellringer for the day. You will generally have 5 minutes to complete the exercise. As you finish review the notes or assignments from the previous day. Pack up only when instructed to do so. Remain in your seat until the bell rings and you are dismissed by the teacher.
Hall Passes: You will be allowed 3 BR passes each 9 weeks. (There are opportunities to earn extra passes throughout the semester) Passes are given at the teacher’s discretion You may only be out of the classroom for 4 minutes unless otherwise discussed No hall passes are given during tests, quizzes, group projects, presentations, study time, the first ten minutes of class, or the last ten minutes of class You must sign the hall pass before leaving and present to the teacher for signature and log the time of return
Career Management Units A, B, and c Who Am I? Career Management Units A, B, and c What Do I Want? Unit A: Personal and Social Development (A Look at Me) Unit B Educational and Career Exploration Unit C Decision Making and Career Planning How Do I Get It?
Who Am I? Unit A CM01.00 Evaluate Individual Characteristics/Traits, Interests/Preferences, Ability Levels, Skill Acquisition, Talents/Aptitudes, And Values In Relation To Setting And Achieving Personal, Social, Lifestyle, Educational And Career Goals. CM01.01 Understand individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, and values. CM01.02 Critique individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, and values in terms of a variety of personal, social, lifestyle and career goals. CM01.03 Analyze the impact of personal growth and change throughout life.
Unit A CM02.00 Evaluate Positive Interpersonal Skills In A Variety Of Workplace Settings. CM02.01 Differentiate between positive and negative interpersonal skills in a variety of workplace settings. CM02.02 Apply effective interpersonal skills in a variety of workplace settings. CM02.03 Critique positive interpersonal skills contributing to effective workplace interactions. Who Am I?
Unit B CM03.00 Evaluate Career Goals In Terms Of The Experience, Knowledge And Skills Needed To Achieve Them. CM03.01 Understand the personal education and skill requirements necessary for transition from secondary education to post-secondary education or employment. CM03.02 Check the progression of formal and informal learning experiences toward achieving personal and career goals. What Do I Want?
Unit B CM04.00 Evaluate career information in relation to career goals. (Career Research Project) CM04.01 Apply career research skills to access accurate, current, and unbiased career information. CM04.02 Critique career options in terms of personal characteristics and preferences. CM04.03 Explain employment trends in terms of changing societal needs and economic conditions. What Do I Want?
Unit C CM05.00 Create a career plan that leads to the achievement of career goals. (CAREER PLAN) CM05.01 Understand the decision-making process as a component of career planning. CM05.02 Critique personal, educational and career goals. CM05.03 Produce a personal career plan. How Do I Get It?
Create A Job Application Package And Career Portfolio. Unit C CM06.00 Create A Job Application Package And Career Portfolio. CM06.01 Apply those skills necessary to obtain, create, maintain, and advance employment. CM06.02 Produce a career portfolio that exemplifies academic, occupational, and SCANS competencies and employability skills. How Do I Get It?