Culture: Religion
Religion maps--perspectives Definitions Subgroups resolution
What is a religion? Teachings that imply a value system Include a notion of the sacred Many have creation story
Religions also may teach: Law Politics Social mores Sexual relations Physical fitness Cleanliness Eating habits decoration
Kinds of religions? Monotheistic v polytheistic Global v ethnic Shamanism Animism Hierarchical v autonomous Fundamentalist denomination
Predominant religions Christianity Islam Buddhism
Why have some religions diffused so far from their hearths? Local v universalist Evangelism Diffusion Migration Hierarchical Contagion
Religiosity/strength of belief
Religiosity/strength of belief Difference from congregations or membership in religion… Are poor people more religious? Does religious persecution lead to fundamentalism? Does religious persecution lead to stronger beliefs? Does the rise of fundamentalism lead to more atheism?
Rise of fundamentalism
Ethnic component Hinduism Judaism Shintoism Daoism
Other Impacts on space … Disposal of the dead Houses of worship Architecture Christian—basilica, orthodoxy, Protestantism Muslim—courtyard center, minaret, community not sacred space Hindu temple—to house shrines since important functions at home temples, small center, space for processions, caretaker space? Pool for ritual baths? Buddhist and shintoist pagodas—delicate and eleaborate, different # of tiers, relics, monastery, worship in adjacent temple Bahai—seven houses to emphasize bahai’s universal appeal