Another Rubbish Morning Out! Prestonfield Primary School
Eco Committee
Fossil Fuels
Green House Gasses
Carbon Footprint computer light Television fridge Calculate your carbon footprint at hoover DVD Player light microwave Hairdryer iPad Charger printer Television fridge computer oven freezer radio toaster Phone charger kettle Games consol Alarm clock
Energy Saving Tips Calculate your carbon footprint at Only boil the water you need Don’t leave your phone charging all night!!
Areas Stevenson – Clearburn Road Hume – Clearburn Gardens Palozzi- Clearburn Crescent Napier – Cameron House Avenue Inglis – Prestonfield Road
Please do not touch dog dirt!! Safety Please do not touch dog dirt!!
If you find a needle, DO NOT touch it. Tell the nearest adult!! Safety If you find a needle, DO NOT touch it. Tell the nearest adult!!
Adults please stay with your groups at all times
Safety Stick in your team of 3 Stay on the pavement Do not touch dog dirt Do not touch needles Report any needles to the nearest adult
Have a Rubbish Morning! Napier (Yellow) – P3 Stevenson (Green) – P4 Hume (Red) – P5/4 Paolozzi (Purple) – P6 Inglis (Blue) – P7 Calculate your carbon footprint at