Smart Phone Batteries Shape: There is a peak at 300 and the distribution is skewed to the right. Center: The middle value is 330 minutes. Spread: The range is 460 – 300 = 160 minutes. Outliers: There is one phone with an unusually long battery life, the HTC Droid at 460 minutes.
Top vs. Bottom Freezers Shape: The distribution for bottom freezers looks skewed to the right (Optional: and possibly bimodal, with modes near $58 and $70 per year). Whereas, the distribution for top freezers looks roughly symmetric (Optional: with its main peak centered around $55). Center: The typical energy cost for the bottom freezers is higher than the typical cost for the top freezers (median of $69 vs. median of $55).
Spread: There is much more variability in the energy costs for bottom freezers, since the range is $101 compared to $17 for the top freezers. Outliers: There are a couple of bottom freezers with unusually high energy costs (over $140 per year). There are no apparent outliers for the top freezers.
Shape: The distribution of female heights is skewed to the left, whereas, the distribution of male height is roughly symmetric. Both distributions appear to be unimodal. Center: The median height of males (167 cm) is greater than the median height of females (162 cm). Spread: There is greater variability amongst male heights (range = 36cm) than female heights (range = 17cm). Outlier: Since the data is tightly grouped for both distributions there are no potential outliers for either distribution.