Digital Innovation AR & VR 1962
HTC vive
How Significant will AR/VR Be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Modest (eLearning) Significant (iTunes) Disruptive (Email) Transformational (Cloud) Revolutionary (mPhone)
AR / VR?
Components of a VR system Tether Roomscale VR
Use cases Video games Movies Live events Military Healthcare Museums Real estate Retail Education Engineering
Where is VR? Lack of focus on competition Lack of focus on industry trends Source: Moore, HBR 2004
Where is VR in the hype cycle, according to Gartner? Find the consumer and business uses.
Is social VR “the next major computing platform”? FB bought Oculus for $2B in 2014
Google Glasses 2014-16 then retired from market
Pokemon Go: a (brief) success story Value creation? Value capture? Pokemon go launched in 2016 Value capture: -In game purchases -Pokestops
AR in retail
AR in logistics
AR and Police work Unlike many fixed-camera facial-recognition systems that remotely connect cameras to vast facial databases stored in the cloud, the police glasses are wired directly to a hand-held device that contains an offline database—allowing them to work more quickly. In tests, the company says, the device has been able to identify individuals in a database of 10,000 suspects in as little as 100 milliseconds. That is faster than some fixed-camera systems, though Mr. Wu concedes that the “environmental noise” in real-life situations is likely to decrease accuracy. WSJ 2018
How could AR have helped you today? Getting Ready Going to School Hmwrk Eating Meeting ….
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