Trail of Louisiana Indians
Did you know….. Did you know that Louisiana had Indians long ago? The Native American Indians were the first people to ever live in Louisiana. They lived in this state long before white men settled here. The Indians taught the white men many things.
Early Native Americans moved from place to place in search of food Early Native Americans moved from place to place in search of food. They hunted deer, caught fish, and gathered plants.
Why did the Europeans come to Louisiana? Some came in search of treasure and some came for land.
Hernando de Soto Hernando deSoto came for gold, but he did not find any.
Robert LaSalle Robert LaSalle came for land. He claimed Louisiana for France.
pirogue- a light boat made by Indians
settlement- a place where people live.
chief – leader of the tribe
Poverty Point – was built by Native Americans thousands of years ago.
Today ridges or raised hills remain at Poverty Point.
Native Americans and Europeans shared ideas about how to grow crops.
Some present day Louisiana Native American Tribes are: Coushatta Tribe Caddo Indian Tribe Chitimacha Tribe Choctaw Indian Tribe Natchez Indian Tribe .
Caddo Indian Tribe Caddo Indian Tribe Live in the Northwest part of Louisiana. Made houses out of grass and wood in the shape of a beehive.
Lived closed to the Mississippi River. Natchez Indian Tribe Lived closed to the Mississippi River.
Slavery Some people who lived in the colony of Louisiana came from Africa. They were taken from their homes and forced to come here as slaves. Slavery is a system in which people are owned by other people and forced to work.
Slavery The first enslaved Africans were brought to Louisiana in 1716. Many brought special skill with them from Africa, such as rice growing and shipbuilding.