New Technologies CLOZE Notes Railroads Cotton Production Cotton Gin Within 15 years, Atlanta was the _______________________________________ in the South. The name Terminus was changed to Marthasville in 1843 , and then _______________________________________ . Two other railroads eventually converged there and gave rise to the new, bustling town that served as a ___________________________________________________________ . The Western and Atlantic rail line from Chattanooga ended in a town called _______________________________________ . By 1860, there were more than _______________________________________ of railroads in Georgia. The General Assembly chartered _______________________________________ : The Georgia Railroad Co. (an Athens-Augusta line), the Central of Georgia Railroad Co. (a Savannah-Macon line), and the Monroe Railroad Co. (a Macon-Forsyth line). Georgia’s economic growth relied heavily on the _______________________________________ . The development of the cotton industry led to an important need: a way for cotton to be transported more ____________________________________________ . Machines in the mills could _______________________________________ inexpensively, and the demand for cotton was high. In the 1800s, businessmen established a number of _______________________________________ in Georgia. Soon, Georgia became one of the _______________________________________ in the world. The cotton gin also increased the _______________________________________ because plantation owners needed slaves to harvest all of the cotton. It increased the rate at which cotton could be _______________________________________ . The cotton gin involved a system of rollers, teeth, and brushes that separated seeds from cotton _______________________________________ . Cotton became the _______________________________________ due to the invention of the _______________________________________ by Eli Whitney in 1793. During the 1800s, Georgia’s economy relied heavily on important cash crops: _______________________________________ , and cotton. © 2014 Brain Wrinkles New Technologies CLOZE Notes
Creeks CLOZE Notes Relocation McIntosh McGillivray Losing Side By 1827, the Creeks had _______________________________________ across the Mississippi River. A war party _______________________________________ to death and took his scalp, and also murdered several other leaders who signed the treaty. McIntosh signed the Treaty of Indian Springs in 1825, which _______________________________________ to the state of Georgia. They negotiated with Troup’s first cousin, _______________________________________ , who was the son of a Scottish officer and a Creek woman. In 1823, Governor George Troup pressured the federal government to _______________________________________ from their remaining land. It didn’t take long for the government to _______________________________________ … They signed the _______________________________________ , in which the Creeks gave up some of their land in exchange for a promise that settlers would _______________________________________ beyond a certain point. In 1790, _______________________________________ met with Chief McGillivray in hopes of peacefully settling disputes between Creeks and white Georgians. During the Revolutionary War, he led _______________________________________ in Georgia and Tennessee. Chief _______________________________________ , son of a Scottish trader and half-French, half-Creek mother, led the Creeks in _______________________________________ . The Creeks were prominent in southern and western Georgia and did not want to _______________________________________ . Once the war was over, Georgians desired to _______________________________________ of more and more of their land. The British _______________________________________ taken by white settlers once Britain won the war. During the Revolutionary War, many Native Americans in Georgia fought as _______________________________________ . © 2014 Brain Wrinkles Creeks CLOZE Notes
Cherokee CLOZE Notes 1 Gold Rush John Ross Sequoyah Cherokee The settlers pressured the Cherokee to _______________________________________ , and the General Assembly began passing laws _______________________________________ to both the land and gold. The Dahlonega Gold Rush was on and _______________________________________ flooded into north Georgia to get rich. In 1829, settlers _____________________________________________________ in north Georgia. He was the son of a Scottish father and _______________________________________ , part-Scottish mother. The government was modeled after the _______________________________________ and was led by _______________________________________ . In 1791, the U.S. government signed a treaty guaranteeing that the Cherokee nation could be independent and have its _______________________________________ . The newspaper contributed to the ______________________________________________________________ because it helped tribe members communicate and share important news. He _______________________________________ that enabled the tribe to read, write, and publish its own newspaper, called the Cherokee Phoenix. One of the Cherokees’ most famous members was _______________________ , also known as George Gist (his father was a Virginian and his mother a Cherokee). The created an advanced society with a constitution and an _______________________________________ . They lived in houses, farmed, _______________________________________ , and some owned slaves. The Cherokee __________________________________________________ the most. Georgia’s other main Native American tribe was the Cherokee (they lived mainly in _______________________________________ and western North Carolina). © 2014 Brain Wrinkles Cherokee CLOZE Notes 1
Cherokee CLOZE Notes 2 Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson John Marshall Worcester v. GA This sad journey is remembered as the _____________________________ . More than _____________________ men, women, and children died from disease, starvation, and exposure to the cold weather. In 1838, the U.S. Army rounded up _______________________________________ and forced them on a _______________________________________ to Indian territory in Oklahoma. In 1835, the U.S. government forced the Cherokee to sign a treaty _______________________________________ in Georgia. He _______________________________________ and wanted to get the Cherokee _______________________________________ . When Georgia refused to release Worcester, President Jackson said, “John Marshall has made his decision, now _______________________________________ .” _______________________________________ was also frustrated by the decision and chose to _______________________________________ . Marshall said that Georgia must set Worcester free because Georgia laws were _______________________________________ . In 1832, under the leadership of _______________________________________ , the Supreme Court ruled in _______________________________________ in Worcester v. Georgia. He was _______________________________________ but appealed his case all the way to the Supreme Court. In 1832, a Christian missionary named ____________________________ refused to swear the oath because he felt it was his duty to _______________________________________ . The General Assembly passed a law that said whites could _______________________________________ and they could not live in Cherokee territory without _______________________________________ of allegiance to the governor. © 2014 Brain Wrinkles Cherokee CLOZE Notes 2