Chapter Six: The Duel for North America (1608-1763) PowerPoint Slides for The American Pageant, 12th edition Constructed by Mr. Freccia
France wants colonies too… 1608 – Quebec founded on St. Lawrence River (Samuel de Champlain) Huron vs. Iroquois Colony called “New France” but few settlers (60,000 by 1750) Catholic Colony only (Jesuit priests) Robert de La Salle & the Mississippi River Establishes Louisiana colony to protect trade
Economic Colony, not settlement My fir makes nice hats… Fur traders mostly (coureurs de bois) Worked with native tribes against their enemies Spread disease and weapons ahead of English settlers
Clash of Empires King William’s War (1689-1697) War of the League of Augsburg Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713) War of Spanish Succession (Treaty of Utrecht) England gets Nova Scotia and Hudson Bay area King George’s War (1744-1748) War of Austrian Succession / War of Jenkin’s Ear Colonial victories given back at peace table
The French and Indian War (1754-1763) The Seven Years War in Europe Vs.