To Do: Monday bell ringer


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Presentation transcript:

To Do: Monday bell ringer As you come in… On your whiteboard respond to the following prompt: What did you do for the storm? For example, did you go anywhere? Where? What did you do? Did anyone come to stay with you? Did you have any damage? Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?


introduction Hook the reader. Introduce the issue. Give background information on the topic. State your claim. This is the thesis statement! Introduce your reasons for the claim. Use words such as reasons, benefits, advantages, or disadvantages.

Hook- The lead sentence “hooks” readers and encourages them to keep reading. Lead/Hook Example Quote President Obama once said, “During the summer, students are losing a lot of what they learn. A longer school year makes sense.” Unusual/Interesting Detail According to historians, American farm children once attended school from December to March and mid-May to August. Statistic or Fact Experts say that during the summer, students lose approximately 22 percent of what they learned during the school year. Strong Statement Students must attend school, a shorter school year is compared to child neglect. Question Are most Americans satisfied that compared to their peers in Europe and Asia, American students score lower on achievement tests?

Writing a paragraph Start with a topic sentence to introduce a reason people should be convinced by the argument. Use specific evidence to support the thesis (claim). Use facts, examples, details, and statistics to back up the claim. Follow each piece of evidence with a bridge or reasoning to explain how the evidence connects and supports the claim. Close with a concluding sentence. A paragraph should be at least 4-6 sentences.

transitions Body Paragraphs: First, Also, Finally, For example, Above all, Particularly, Furthermore, Additionally, Specifically, Therefore, Consequently, For instance, According to Due to

transitions Counterargument/Counterclaim: It might seem that It’s true that Admittedly, Of course, One might object While Certainly At first glance, Some people claim Turn-back/refuting the argument: Yet, Despite However, Nevertheless, Still Except Conversely, Even so,

Argumentative Model Essay You will need: 1. The Model Essay 2. Highlighter 3. Pen

To Do: tuesday bell ringer As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. One World Trade Center was made to be the talest building in New York city in 2012. It is a monument to help us remember those who lost there lives on september 11 2001. One World Trade Center stands 1,776 feet high in honnor of the year America claimed it’s independence. People form all over the world visit the bilding every year Bring a book for tomorrow if you have one or you will have to borrow one of mine. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

answer One World Trade Center was made to be the tallest building in New York City in 2012. It is a monument to help us remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. One World Trade Center stands 1,776 feet high in honor of the year America claimed its independence. People from all over the world visit the building every year.

Argument Essay Organization Challenge You will need: scissors and glue #1. Introduction template #2. Body Paragraph #1 template #3. Body Paragraph #2 template #4. Body Paragraph #3 template #5. Conclusion template If you finish early or someone is missing at your team work together to finish the other pieces. When your team has completed the entire essay, put 2 fingers up!

Argument Essay Organization Challenge Introduction Highlight the hook Underline the claim and 2 reasons in red Body paragraphs Box in the evidence in blue Box in the bridges in green Underline the claim/reasons in red Conclusion Underline the claim and reasons in red

Analyze the model perf. assessment book Pg. 4 - 5 Pg. 6 - 8 1. Read the two texts. Take notes in the margins about the positive and negatives in the notes section. Discuss: Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why or why not? 1. As you read, highlight evidence that convinces you zoos are worthwhile. 2. Complete pg. 8 using examples from the essay to complete each term in the organizer.

Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos? Claim – animals should or should not be kept in zoos Against Zoos For Zoos 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence

To Do: Wednesday bell ringer As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Marian McQuade, a woman in West Virginia, wanted a day to honor grand parents and the contributions of seniors in general. She asks for help from U.S. senator Jennings Randolph. It took eighth years, but in 1978, President Jimmy Carter finally declared Grandparents Day a national holiday Since then, family’s have Celebrated it everey September on the Sunday after Labor Day. On this holiday, make sure to thank older adults who haves a spechial place in your life. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

answer Marian McQuade, a woman in West Virginia, wanted a day to honor grandparents and the contributions of seniors in general. She asked for help from U.S. Senator Jennings Randolph. It took eight years, but in 1978, President Jimmy Carter finally declared Grandparents Day a national holiday. Since then, families have celebrated it every September on the Sunday after Labor Day. On this holiday, make sure to thank older adults who have a special place in your life.  

Simple, compound, complex sentences TITLE AND ADD TO YOUR TABLE OF CONTENTS. Video -clauses PPT. Take notes on what a simple, compound, and complex sentence is during the PPT. Write the definition and one example for each type of sentence. Simple Compound Complex Definition Example

Analyze the model perf. assessment book Pg. 4 - 5 Pg. 6 - 8 1. Read the two texts. Take notes in the margins about information you find useful. Discuss: Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why or why not? 1. As you read, highlight evidence that convinces you zoos are worthwhile. 2. Complete pg. 8 using examples from the essay to complete each term in the organizer.

Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos? Claim – animals should or should not be kept in zoos Against Zoos For Zoos 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence

To Do: wednesday bell ringer As you come in… On the index card number it 1-5 and write an example of each: Independent Clause Dependent Clause Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Complex Sentence Leave it on your desk with your name. Read a book when you are finished. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

DEAR TIME Take out a book and read silently for this class period. You should be bringing a book from home or using a book from my library that you will read all the way through.

Analyze the model perf. assessment book Pg. 4 - 5 Pg. 6 - 8 1. Read the two texts. Take notes in the margins about information you find useful. Discuss: Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why or why not? 1. As you read, highlight evidence that convinces you zoos are worthwhile. 2. Complete pg. 8 using examples from the essay to complete each term in the organizer.

Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos Class debate – Should animals be kept in zoos? Claim – animals should or should not be kept in zoos Against Zoos For Zoos 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence 2-3 Reasons why - At least 2 pieces of evidence

To Do: Thursday bell ringer As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. When you think of earth quakes in the United States, do you usually think of the western states. That don't mean earthquakes do not happen in the eastern states. On August 31 1886, the first major eastern earthquake was recorded it hapened near Charleston, South Carolina. The charleston earthquake was not the first eastern earthquake, but it was the worse. Other earthquakes be recorded in the eastern United States as far back as 1638. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

answer When you think of earthquakes in the United States, do you usually think of the western states? That doesn't mean earthquakes do not happen in the eastern states. On August 31,1886, the first major eastern earthquake was recorded. It happened near Charleston, South Carolina. The Charleston earthquake was not the first eastern quake, but it was the worst. Other earthquake had been/were recorded in the eastern United States as far back as 1638.

Should people be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets Should people be allowed to keep pit bulls as pets? Performance assessment book Read pg. 10-13 and identify the pros and cons in each text. Label whether the text is a pro or con. Use a positive and negative sign to identify pros and cons in the text. If time class debate. Write your claim, 3 reasons, and a piece of evidence for each claim. This will be used for tomorrow’s activity.

To Do: friday bell ringer As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Francis Scott Key wrotes the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” after a battle durring the War of 1812. Key saw how british forces attaked Fort McHenry in Baltimore Maryland. After the battle, the America flag was still flying over the fort, which showed that Americans were not deafeated. The song become the U.S. national anthem on 1931. The flag that Key saw is now at a museum in Washignton, D.C. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

answer Francis Scott Key wrote the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” after a battle during the War of 1812. Key saw how British forces attacked Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland. After the battle, the American flag was still flying over the fort, which showed that Americans were not defeated. The song became the U.S. national anthem in 1931. The flag that Key saw is now at a museum in Washington, D.C.

Vocabulary test Turn in the test when finished. Work on finishing pg. 10-13 in your performance assessment book. Read a book.

ROUGH DRAFT Use pg. 16 to write your claim and reasons. Pg. 16-19 in your Performance Assessment Book Use pg. 16 to write your claim and reasons. Fill out pg. 17 with evidence you will use to support your reasons. Fill out the organizer on pg. 18 or create a chicken foot on a piece of copy paper. Complete your draft on loose leaf paper and use the checklist on pg. 19 as you write.

To Do: Monday bell ringer As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Agnes Bojaxhiu were born in Macedonia on August 27, 1910 when Agnes turned 18 years old, she joined a community of nuns and moved to Calcutta India. There she was nown as Mother Teresa. While teaching at St. Marys High School, Mother Teresa caught a glimps of how Calcutta's poorest people lived. Soon she devoded her life to working in the citys slums. That work earned her the Nobel Piece Prize in 1979. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

answer Agnes Bojaxhiu was born in Macedonia on August 27, 1910. When Agnes turned 18 years old, she joined a community of nuns and moved to Calcutta, India. There she was known as Mother Teresa. While teaching at St. Mary's High School, Mother Teresa caught a glimpse of how Calcutta's poorest people lived. Soon she devoted her life to working in the city's slums. That work earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.