Cole Elementary Math BHAG Action Planning Please sit in groups. Thanks. November 16, 2017 Denise Brown Katherine Thrash
Today’s Purpose and Outcome Our purpose is to foster a culture of collaboration to support student success. Our outcome for today’s meeting is to use the collaborative inquiry process to develop grade level action steps for achieving the math BHAG.
Consolidated BHAGS from Oct. Decrease high risk percentage in the SWD subgroup by 50% by providing additional support throughout the year. (2) 50% of students will be at some risk or low risk level (to lower number of students in high risk) (3) 15% decrease in high risk students for MAP and FAST. (2) 30% decrease for some risk students We will lower the % of students in Q1 by a certain amount Decrease the percentage of students in high risk (Q1) by May 2018. LEP percentages in Q1 and 2 to be less than 40% on MAP-M by May. See less than a 10% increase of high risk in a cohort (number)= number of times mentioned In one school year, 40% of our students will move from high risk to low risk. 40% of our students will test above the 30th percentile 30% increase for low risk level students for MAP and FAST 80% of students will score above the 20th percentile in FAST or MAP 60% of students will out of high risk Given a FastBridge Early Math assessment, 40% of students will score within the 21-30%ile during the winter assessment as measured by the winter assessment. 80% of students taking MAP-M to be scoring in the 25%ile or higher percentile by end of the school year. 100% of students will meet or exceed Q3. By the end of the school year, 25% of all students at or above the 4th quintile in MAP scores. 50% of students in Q4 and Q5 We will achieve a 10% increase in Q2, Q3, and Q4 on MAP-M from BOY to EOY. (2) Increase MAP-M score by 10 points (2) Keep at 18 months growth—maybe use MAP-M (3) Students will achieve 70% growth in 17-18. Students will improve proficiency by 2 quintiles this school year. At EOY, 25% of students will be at or above grade level. 25% of students at or above benchmark in Math (MAP) 70% of students will be at or above benchmark by end of 17-18. 50% of students will be able to reach benchmark at grade level. (3 of x subtests in MAP)
Cole Elementary Math BHAG Decrease the number of students performing in the 20th percentile or below by 5%.
Collaborative Learning Cycle Activating and Engaging Managing Modeling Mediating Monitoring Organizing and Integrating Exploring and Discovering --Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2012)
Grade Level Data What observations (NOT inferences, explanations, conclusions) do you notice that might inform your action steps?
Grade Level Data What observations (NOT inferences, explanations, conclusions) do you notice that might inform your action steps?
Collaborative Learning Cycle Activating and Engaging Managing Modeling Mediating Monitoring Organizing and Integrating Exploring and Discovering --Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2012)
BHAG Action Planning Action Step: What step(s) might the team take to reach the BHAG? Timeline: When? Might be ongoing…. Person(s) Responsible: Who is taking the lead on this action step? Projected Cost(s)/Resource(s): What is needed to implement this action step?
Reflection What might be some actions you take as a result of our time together today?
Feedback--- How Was Today’s Meeting Individually Use a post-it note to provide feedback.
MNPS Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit
References Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2012). Got data? Now what? Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
Thanks for all you do for our students! Hope you have a wonderful day!