Welcome to Naviance!
What is it? Web-based resource that supports career, and college planning. Linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that your Guidance Counselor uses.
How is it accessed? Naviance Family Connection is on the Web School Website Select “Counseling” Then select “Naviance” Student accounts created by the high school
What does it do? Create post secondary plans Students can: Complete career and/or personality surveys Explore careers & majors Search for & compare colleges View scattergrams and compare themselves to other students in terms of acceptances… denials…waitlists, average GPA, test scores… Create lists of prospective colleges View upcoming college visits on the high school campus ….And much more!
How does it help? On-line tool for communication among counselors, students, and parents. Updated GPA & SAT records from past graduates help add perspective Assessments of your chances of admission at colleges where prior graduates have applied Extensive college research database Extensive career search database
The Home Page
The College Tab
Naviance SuperMatch To perform a college search: Click “colleges” tab Then click “SuperMatch” Enter your search criteria Add schools to prospective list if desired
College Compare
College Tab Scattergrams
College Tab Acceptance History
College Tab: College Maps “100 Hidden Gems”
Careers Tab
About Me Tab
REGISTRATION Schools sites train students on Naviance use Students will register with their student id number and will then add their email address for their username. Password should be kept the same as the student id number Students can add parent info, including email addresses, to their profile. If your student needs a Naviance refresher, please have them make an appointment to see their counselor or visit the College and Career Center.
Questions? www.connection.naviance.com/westlake http://www.conejo.k12.ca.us/whs/Counseling.aspx