CONNECTIONS WITH THE PAST Materials: Handout “Connections with the Past” Pages 1-5 Highlighter Pencil CONNECTIONS WITH THE PAST
Connections with the Past In what ways are you connected to the past? Connections with the Past
You have an individual past. This is the story of your life All through your life, you store up memories of your past – of the things you learn, the people you meet, and the special things that happen. You rely on this knowledge to make sense of new experiences.
We have a collective past Each of us has a shared past as a member of the human race This story of humankind begins when humans first walked the earth, and continues until a moment ago. Learning about our collective past helps us find out who we are as members of the human family
People who lived before us faced the daily challenge of meeting their basic needs. You will see we face some of the same challenges today
In this unit you will learn more about our connections with the past
Your Individual Past Think about your own personal history. What events and experiences do you remember from your life? (List on exit ticket).
Connections with the Past Events from My Life
Connections with the Past Events from My Life Rebecca collected the information and studied each piece of evidence She made notes about what each piece told her She asked herself if she’d: Answered her questions, or if She needed to go back and look for more information
After putting her information in order, she used it to write an autobiography, or story of her life As she did, she tried to keep in mind her chosen audience, her parents
You probably remember the first time you tried a new skill, such as learning to ride a bicycle, or special occasions, such as your first boat/ferry ride You probably don’t remember many things that you know you must have done, like learning to walk or speaking your first words
You can find out about your personal past, and the past of those who care for you and raised you by doing a little digging.
Finding Out About Your Personal Past With your should partner, find out how Rebecca asked a lot of questions and created a web to figure out where she would get her information (p.2 Ancient Worlds) Copy Rebecca’s web on the reverse of your paper
UsusUse internet to find out what was heppening on the day AskAsk my friends and relatives BrBrainstorm my memories EVIEVIDENCE Look at family photographs and videos Locate artwork and schoolwork from earlier grades Find written records, (baby book, letters, legal documents, and other records
FOCUS Select a topic Think of what you already know about the topic Ask questions that you want answered
LOCATE INFORMATION Decide on the sources to use Search for answers to your questions
WORK WITH INFORMATION Look for information to answer your questions Add new information you had not thought of looking for Organize the information by looking for patterns or big ideas
USE THE INFORMATION Decide how to use the information. You may just want the information for yourself If you present the information to others, keep in mind the needs and interests of your audience