Atherosclerosis This disease is where fats and cholesterol plaque build up in a person's artery walls. The artery walls become thicker making the blood vessels narrow causing lack of blood flow. This can cause not enough oxygen to the heart causing a heart attack or not enough oxygen to the brain causing a stroke, both can be fatal.
What causes Atherosclerosis? Atherosclerosis occurs when the insides of arteries are run-down or damaged due to a variety of different causes. Arteries are hardened and blocked with plaque and remaining fat deposits Smoking over a long period of time can cause one to be less fit to exercise due to their damaged lungs, this inactivity makes for an increased risk of heart disease. Smoking also increases blood clots in the body, which is another cause of atherosclerosis.
Causes of Atherosclerosis (continued): High blood pressure whether it is genetic or caused by bad eating habits can cause heart disease. A high intake of sodium leads to hypertension which allows plaque to stick to the insides of arteries. Diabetes can cause atherosclerosis because it causes increased amount of blood sugar which leads to premature cell death and slowed blood flow. Alcohol consumption: You have probably heard that an occasional glass of red wine is “good for the heart”. This is true if it is done in moderation and small amounts. However, too much of wine, or any other alcoholic beverage can cause LDL levels to increase by as much as 40%. This also leads to plaque buildup in arteries. Unhealthy diet consisting of a large amounts of saturated fats and trans fats; this causes high cholesterol and can also lead to atherosclerosis. The body needs a small amount of certain healthy fats to survive, however the body can not process too much of “bad” fats, and it builds up on the insides of arteries.
How can you prevent this disease? Have a healthy diet, watch what you eat Avoid foods with lots of saturated fat, eat small amounts of unsaturated foods Take trans fats out of your diet Eat foods with omega-3, it’s good for your heart Try to decrease smoking (if you’re a smoker) Exercise regularly Watch how much alcohol you drink Watch your weight, or lose weight if you’re overweight Have your doctor check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly
Risks factors of Atherosclerosis Unhealthy cholesterol levels which includes high LDL and low HDL Smoking can cause damage to blood vessels and raises cholesterol and blood pressure A lack of physical activity can worsen other risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and being overweight/obesity With older age your risk increases and can be caused by genetic or lifestyle factors High levels of CRP(protein found in body) can raise the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. High CRP levels cause inflammation that can then cause damage to the inner walls of arteries.
Is Atherosclerosis reversible? Changing lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise can help reverse atherosclerosis Short term solutions: Surgical interventions such as angioplasty and bypass Bypass surgery: the affected part of your coronary artery is bypassed with a healthy artery or vein graft to increase blood flow Angioplasty surgery: Catheter is passed through the blood vessel to the arteries surrounding the heart to increase blood flow Patients can take medications to help lower risk factors