Confidentiality October 14, 2005
Our Challenge Electronic communication has transformed institutions into holders of highly available information Not all information has the same value October 14, 2005
What is Confidential Information? Public Information intended for distribution to and viewed by the general public Proprietary Intellectual property of the college Confidential Sensitive material and personal data that is shared among a select group Private Information for use only by designated individuals with a need to know October 14, 2005
What can you do to protect information? Depends on sensitivity Depends on format October 14, 2005
Non-Digital Information October 14, 2005
Digital Information October 14, 2005
Digital Information October 14, 2005
Manage Information by Sensitivity Confidential Digital Information Not taken off campus Never emailed Under strong password protection Stored in separate folders/directories File shares with permissions Private Digital Information Same as confidential data plus: Not stored in file shares Best stored on removable media which is locked up Don’t forget to lock your computer October 14, 2005
Electronics Communication Policy Policy guidelines on privacy, confidentiality, and security in electronic communications outlined in the Board Policy 8990 Respect privacy Protect confidentially Comply with applicable laws, polices, and rules October 14, 2005
FERPA Protect Student Records: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records Applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education October 14, 2005
ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 “wiretapping act" for the Internet law enforcement would require authorization in order to tap telephone lines for content exceptions include: consent from a party to the communication (one party in an e-mail correspondence can publish the correspondence without the permission of the other person and without incurring liability under this Act) October 14, 2005
USA Patriot Act USA Patriot overrides FERPA and ECPA Provides federal officials with authority to search business records and data October 14, 2005
Thank You October 14, 2005