December 15, 2016
ELPA21 Updates A new ELPA21 training webinar will be available January 12. Details will be posted and sent to DACs next week. This will be a broad overview training designed for new District Test Coordinators and will available in a train the trainer format. The currently available trainings are still applicable to this year’s administration. The assessment calendar can be found at Assessment Calendars. We anticipate the calendar dates will be similar to last year’s administration. Washington will be adopting the WIDA Alternate Access for ELLs. This is an assessment of English language proficiency (ELP) for students who are classified as English language learners (ELLs) and have significant cognitive disabilities. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/22/2018
WIDA ALT ACCESS Students eligible to participate in the Alternate Assessment (to include ELs) must meet all of the following criteria as determined by the student’s IEP team: The student’s demonstrated cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior in school, work, home and community environments are significantly below chronological age expectations, even with program modifications, adaptations and accommodations. The student requires extensive direct instruction and/or extensive supports in multiple settings to acquire, maintain and generalize academic and functional skills necessary for application in school, work, home and community environments. The student demonstrates complex cognitive disabilities and poor adaptive skill levels determined to be significantly (at least two standard deviations) below chronological age expectations by the student’s most recent individualized eligibility determination which prevents the student from meaningful participation in the standard academic core curriculum or achievement of the appropriate grade level expectations. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/22/2018
Additional Updates Final parent score reports have been delivered to districts. OSPI is currently translating a detailed parent score report overview which should be available to districts by the end of the month. The ELPA 21 Training Test is currently available on the WCAP Portal. It is suggested that Test administrators spend extra time practicing the Speaking subtest until students are comfortable with the format. Districts who spent time familiarizing students with the use of headsets and recordings found students to be more comfortable utilizing these features on the assessment. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/22/2018
K-1 Writing Supplement Extract If one of the following conditions are met by December 16, students in Kindergarten and 1st grade will be pre-ID’d to receive ELPA21 paper writing supplements (previously called ELPA21 K or grade 1 writing test materials): Students are identified as receiving LEP services (including Title III Native American students) in CEDARS; or Students are explicitly flagged in TIDE as needing to take the ELPA21 in the “Explicit Test Eligibility” area of the “Edit Student” screen. If students are not flagged as to take ELPA21 by December 16 districts will be required to print adhesive pre-ID labels from TIDE and order writing supplements through the additional order window in TIDE, beginning January 19. The initial shipment of ELPA21 K-1 Writing Supplements is scheduled to arrive in district on January 18. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/22/2018
ELPA21 Screener Pilot The ELPA21 online screener pilot will open early February and will continue until the desired # of students participate. ELPA21 will release more detailed information in early January – stay tuned. Your participation will support schools and students by • Providing feedback to ELPA21 to identify best practices for administration of the screener • Testing non-ELLs so that we can evaluate the appropriateness of performance expectations • Informing ELPA21 about the student set-up process, including how students’ accommodations are discussed and implemented • Allowing screener administrators practice to become familiar with the screener and its administration OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/22/2018