AUTONOM - Integrated through-life support for high-value systems Andrew Starr
Welcome Contents Introduction to TES Institute and Cranfield rail group Introduction to AUTONOM - Integrated through-life support for high-value systems Challenges ahead
Through-life Engineering Services Institute Integrated Vehicle Health Management Centre EPSRC National Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services TESI core staff
Cranfield Rail Group Technical Safety and behaviour Business
Rail group - Technical Heat dissipation from brake discs Diagnostics, prognostics and maintenance planning for electro-mechanical systems Air quality monitoring using optical fibre sensors Complex Systems for optimizing rail networks Diagnosis, condition monitoring and prognosis for machines; motors, gears, generators; Rail monitoring with optical fibre grating sensors
Tramway deployment of FBG sensors Instrumented fishplate
Rail Group Safety and behaviour Passenger Safety Research: perceptions of risk and safety on the railway network Passenger safety in rail crashes Passenger information requirements in safety related situations on the railway network Driving Research Group: working with the private and public sector on driver behaviour. Human factors in rail and road safety.
Rail Group - Business Transaction costs within rail firms; franchised train operating firms in Britain; benchmarking of train operating firms; deregulation and globalisation; Competition between air transport and high-speed rail in Japan Environmental impacts
AUTONOM - Integrated through-life support for high-value systems Part of the Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Programme Integrating: Data fusion and mobile platforms Planning and scheduling Cost analysis
Our team Andrew Starr, Professor of Maintenance Systems, Head of Integrated Maintenance Centre Antonios Tsourdos, Professor of Informatics and Systems Engineering, Head of Autonomous Systems Group, Ashutosh Tiwari, Professor of Manufacturing Informatics, Head of Product and Service Innovation Centre Dr Essam Shehab, Senior Lecturer in Decision Engineering Dr Yuchun Xu, Lecturer in Cost Engineering Dr Paul Baguley, Research Fellow in Cost Engineering Dr Christopher Turner, Research Fellow
AUTONOM - Integrated through-life support for high-value systems - structure Integration Data fusion and mobile platforms Planning and Scheduling Cost Analysis Foundations Validation Applications Design Think-tank Identify business processes Best practice cost modelling Definitions Fusion strategy Design strategy Monitoring design strategy Optimisation framework Models Frameworks for integration and benefits Partner benefits Fusion case studies Reporting architecture Validation Validation
No Fault Found Switch machines Track circuits Doors
Data rich problems Location: Fixed beacon (balise) Moving sensors Ultrasonic Laser Terabytes per day
Data poor problems Old structures Difficult, infrequent inspections Very old records
Challenges Requirements for interchange of maintenance data between fixed and mobile actors Automation of monitoring on mobile platforms, and interface with other actors New cost modelling tools for complex distributed health monitoring, and value to the business.
Thank you for your attention. Contacts Thank you for your attention. Andrew Starr +44 (0)1234 758374 +44 (0)7939 095572 Cranfield University, UK