ABOUT ME: I have taught a total of 15 years I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education, Literary Studies I am certified to teach grades K – 12, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, and ESL. This year I will be teaching PreAP/GT 6th Grade ELA and 7th and 8th Grade Power Reading I am also a wife and a mother! I have a 24 year old daughter who is also a teacher, and I have a 13 year old son who is a student here at Doerre!!
Reader/Writer Workshop We will be working in Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop which means we will be doing a lot of reading and writing. We will explore all of the different genres throughout the year. We will share, discuss, and write about what we are reading! We will increase our vocabulary, our reading fluency, our metacognition, and our writing skills by continuing to grow as readers and writers!
Our Day Every day will begin by coming in and copying the agenda. The agenda will be found on the screen and will be ready and waiting for students when they arrive. When students arrive, they are expected to write down the agenda in their binder. They will have 20-30 minutes of independent reading time. During this time, they are able to write thought shots and find vocabulary words. After this time, we will have our reading or writing mini lesson. I explain, they practice with their tables, and then they work independently on what they have learned. If there has been homework assigned, it is due upon entering the next day and it is the students’ responsibility to turn in.
Absences and Late Work Absences- If student is absent from class for any reason, it is their responsibility to find out what they missed. They need to see me before or after school. They cannot interrupt instruction. Late work- Assignments are due on time. Student has three days to turn in an assignment. Student will lose 30 points the day it is late. If it is not turned in after 3 days, it is a 0. ***If student is absent, they will have the same amount of days to turn in their assignment in as the amount of days they were gone. Example- For someone who is out for two days… They will have two additional days to turn in the assignment.
Grading Information Grading Scale Major- 60% Daily- 30% Homework- 10% Major test days: Tuesday Thursday Late Work Policy Major: One day late- 10 points Two days late-20 points Three days late- 30 points Homework and Daily: Late up to three days- 30 points off
Pre-AP/GT Vocabulary Week one- Identify Through independent reading, identify four challenging words. Monday-Thursday read novel and identify four challenging vocabulary words. On Friday students must have the vocabulary word written as it appears in their reading by providing textual evidence. The vocabulary word must first be identified, then the textual evidence must be provided in quotations with the vocabulary word underlined, and the page number listed after. Week two- Activities Provide the denotation of each vocabulary word by writing the proper dictionary definition. Use each vocabulary word correctly in an original sentence. Identify the part of speech as it is used in your sentence. List three different words that also function as that part of speech. Identify at least three synonyms and antonyms per vocabulary word. Create a colorful graphic to represent each vocabulary word.
Other Information Retake Policy: Any major grade scoring lower than a 80 is eligible for a retake or test corrections. The student may earn enough points to bring that failing grade up to an 80, but not higher than an 80.
Library Day Every other Wednesday You may write a note for your student to visit the library before school. Students are allowed to visit the library at certain class times as well.
Contact Information Additional information such as weekly vocabulary words, major assignments, homework, etc. may be found on my website If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. My conference time is fifth period, and the best way to contact me is through email. My email address is: bsanner1@kleinisd.net
Reader’s Workshop
*Reader’s Workshop is a teaching model where children improve their reading by spending time actually reading. *Strategy lessons are taught explicitly in class through whole or small group lessons. *Students are then given the time to apply the lesson to text that is on their reading and interest level. *Teachers spend time talking with students about what, and how they are reading.
What are the benefits of using Reader’s Workshop? Students select their own reading material. Students read at their own pace. Students learn to talk to one another about what they’ve read. Students not only learn how to read, but also learn the value of reading to learn.
Research shows that when children spend more time reading, they become better readers. With a little guidance and encouragement from a teacher who loves to read, students can learn to select appropriate books and discover the joy in reading and become life long learners.
How can parents help? *Be a reading role model at home. Let your student see you reading so they will value the importance of reading. *Ask your student about the book they are reading. *Remind them to bring their book to school and to class. *Read to your student…even sixth graders like to be read to! Some books offer great opportunities for family discussions.
Rewards for Good Behavior!! Table Wars Candy Verbal Praise Doerre Dollars Parent Contact
Consequences! Phone call to parent Parent communication Conduct grade Move to a new seat Talk with teacher about your problem Office referral
Tips For Success Be attentive and willing to learn Be tolerant and respectful of others Contribute to class discussions appropriately Organize and maintain class binder and notebook Complete and turn in all work on time Take the initiative when you need help Follow directions Study hard, study well, and you will experience success!!!
Thank you for coming!!!