MPO’s School Transportation Working Group 6.28.2017 Hillsborough County Public Schools Process for Attendance Boundary Changes MPO’s School Transportation Working Group 6.28.2017
What Prompts an Attendance Boundary Change? Residential Growth Over Utilization & Underutilization School Closures (MOSI) New School Openings Conversions & Programmatic Note: Petitions and property owner requests are not accommodated on a case by case basis
Data Collection & Scenarios Current Enrollments Assigned vs Enrolled (Popularity) Choice Attractor Programs New Development Tracking School Concurrency Reviews Metro Study CoStar Geography & Access Synergy Can you get there from here? Neighborhoods Continuity Charter School Influence Ethnicity & Economic Factors
Example: University Area 1 Scenario 1: Movement Guide POD Description Assigned Students Dev. Shifts Map Code University Area Elementary MOSI to Pizzo 567 26 1 MOSI to Shaw 262 2 Hunters Green to Shaw 286 3 Forest Hills to Van Buren 383 4 Shaw to Van Buren 459 5 Witter to Van Buren 223 6 Clark to Witter 239 7 Pizzo to Van Buren 111 8 2 7 3 5 6 8 4
Current and Projected Utilization with No Changes Elementary Schools Middle Schools Raw Data Points Cahoon Clark Forest Hills Heritage Hunters Green Mort MOSI Pizzo Pride Shaw Witter Adams Greco Sligh Van Buren FISH Capacity 641 975 1069 747 1034 1026 300 810 1018 846 737 1500 1293 1130 981 Assigned Students 942 1425 837 818 1167 863 432 962 901 717 1108 1266 590 802 Enrolled Students 414 884 998 693 822 865 277 754 965 688 600 771 750 510 435 Current FISH Utilization (%) 65% 91% 93% 79% 84% 92% 95% 81% 51% 58% 45% 44% Growth Factor Growth Projections N/A 70 385 26 22 8 6 Enrolled + Development 954 1078 891 987 779 756 Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%) 98% 144% 87% 97% 52%
Proposed Elementary Data Data Points Clark Forest Hills Heritage Hunter’s Green Mort MOSI Pizzo Pride Shaw Witter FISH Capacity 975 1069 747 1034 1026 300 810 1018 846 737 Net Change in Assigned -69 -295 -202 78 -17 -863 473 -360 123 23 Projected Assigned Students 873 1130 635 896 1150 905 602 1024 740 Projected Enrolled Students (Assigned x Popularity + Choice) 819 802 597 868 842 582 756 604 Projected FISH Utilization (%) 84% 75% 80% 82% 91% 57% 89% Growth Factor Growth Projections 70 106 22 0 26 279 Enrolled + Development 889 703 890 763 861 Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%) 94% 86% 85% Sources: 140th day enrollment data, school concurrency projects and development data with adjusted student generation rates
Internal Stakeholders Area Superintendents Choice Department Communications Department Elementary & Middle School Education Exceptional Student Education Department Growth Management Department School Principals Transportation Department The internal stakeholders consist of various school district departments. Each review different issues related to how the changes may impact each specific area. This group has been working on this combination of issues for over a year considering various options for the New Tampa and North Tampa areas.
Community Outreach Community Meetings Parent Link Calls/Emails Website Peach Jar Attendance Boundary email address and phone number
We want your input! Comment sheets are available at this meeting to provide your comments/concerns To submit additional questions specific to the boundaries please send an email to or call 813.272.4608 For questions regarding choice options please contact the Choice Information Line at 813.272.4692 Also, located at the tables in the center of the room are comment forms. If you have not commented via email or phone, please complete a form and return it to the comment box.
Implementation Strategies 5th Grade Grandfathering (18-19) Early Admission (17-18) MOSI Students School Class Size Students Grandfathered Pride Elementary Students: Lottery for grandfathering in 2018-19, weighted based on grade levels (higher grade levels allotted more weight) Cahoon Students: All students may enroll at new PK-8 Hunter’s Green & Clark Students located in North Tampa: Special Choice information session in fall 2017 Transportation: Generally, transportation is not provided for grandfathered students, future routes to be determined Siblings: Grandfathering does not apply to siblings New PK-8 Programming: Under Development
Department Manager of Planning & Siting Thank you! Amber K. Dickerson, AICP Department Manager of Planning & Siting 813.272.4896
Current and Projected Utilization with No Changes Elementary Schools Middle Schools Raw Data Points Cahoon Clark Forest Hills Heritage Hunters Green Mort MOSI Pizzo Pride Shaw Witter Adams Greco Sligh Van Buren FISH Capacity 641 975 1069 747 1034 1026 300 810 1018 846 737 1500 1293 1130 981 Assigned Students 942 1425 837 818 1167 863 432 962 901 717 1108 1266 590 802 Enrolled Students 414 884 998 693 822 865 277 754 965 688 600 771 750 510 435 Current FISH Utilization (%) 65% 91% 93% 79% 84% 92% 95% 81% 51% 58% 45% 44% Growth Factor Growth Projections N/A 70 385 26 22 8 6 Enrolled + Development 954 1078 891 987 779 756 Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%) 98% 144% 87% 97% 52%
Proposed Elementary Data Data Points Clark Forest Hills Heritage Hunter’s Green Mort MOSI Pizzo Pride Shaw Witter FISH Capacity 975 1069 747 1034 1026 300 810 1018 846 737 Net Change in Assigned -69 -295 -202 78 -17 -863 473 -360 123 23 Projected Assigned Students 873 1130 635 896 1150 905 602 1024 740 Projected Enrolled Students (Assigned x Popularity + Choice) 819 802 597 868 842 582 756 604 Projected FISH Utilization (%) 84% 75% 80% 82% 91% 57% 89% Growth Factor Growth Projections 70 106 22 0 26 279 Enrolled + Development 889 703 890 763 861 Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%) 94% 86% 85% Sources: 140th day enrollment data, school concurrency projects and development data with adjusted student generation rates
Proposed Middle School Data Proposed PK-8 School Data Adams Greco Sligh FISH Capacity 1500 1293 1130 Net Change in Assigned 373 -46 111 Projected Assigned Students 1481 1220 701 Projected Enrolled Students (Assigned x Popularity + Choice) 986 726 566 Projected FISH Utilization (%) 66% 56% 50% Growth Factor Growth Projections 8 6 Enrolled + Development 994 732 Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%) 57% New K-8 FISH Capacity 1236 Projected Assigned Students 1473 Projected Enrolled Students (Assigned x Popularity + Choice) 1117 Projected FISH Utilization (%) 90% Growth Factor Growth Projections Enrolled + Development Projected FISH Utilization w/Development (%)
Recommendation POD Description Assigned Students New Development University Area Elementary MOSI to Pizzo 549 26 MOSI to Shaw 296 Hunters Green to Shaw 298 Forest Hills to New PK-8 412 Shaw to New PK-8 354 Witter to New PK-8 232 Clark to Witter 255 Pizzo to New PK-8 111 Shaw to Forest Hills 117 MOSI to Mort 18 Mort to Pizzo 35 New Tampa Elementary Hunters Green to Clark 186 Pride to Hunters Green 562 22 Heritage to Pride 202 279 University Area Middle Van Buren to Adams 373 Van Buren to Sligh Greco to New PK-8 46
Current & Proposed Meal Status of Assigned Students Current Paid % Proposed Paid % Current Free/Reduced % Proposed Free/Reduced % Clark 49.8% 54.2% 50.2% 45.8% Cahoon 18.1% N/A 81.9% Forest Hills 11.6% 13.2% 88.4% 86.8% Heritage 57.6% 52.8% 42.4% 47.2% Hunter’s Green 29.7% 78.0% 70.3% 22.0% Mort 6.6% 6.7% 93.4% 93.3% MOSI 8.2% 91.8% Pizzo 11.3% 10.7% 88.7% 89.3% Pride 76.1% 66.4% 23.9% 33.6% Shaw 3.8% 2.2% 96.2% 97.8% Witter 7.0% 6.9% 93.0% 93.1% Adams 29.8% 23.6% 70.2% 76.4% Greco 20.9% 21.1% 79.1% 78.9% Sligh 9.7% 9.4% 90.3% 90.6% Van Buren 7.5% 0.0% 92.5% New PK-8 7.3% 92.7% Sources: 140th day assigned student data
Current and Proposed Ethnicities of Assigned Students (Continued on Next Page) Current African American Proposed African American Current American Indian Proposed American Indian Current Asian Proposed Asian Clark 23.7% 23.0% 0.1% 18.9% 20.5% Cahoon 51.7% N/A 0.7% 1.2% Forest Hills 30.2% 25.0% 0.4% 1.7% 2.0% Heritage 26.8% 0.2% 0.0% 12.2% 8.8% Hunter’s Green 31.3% 11.0% 4.5% 21.7% Mort 23.5% 23.9% 0.3% MOSI 47.3% 1.3% Pizzo 46.1% 42.8% 5.1% 2.7% Pride 12.1% 16.6% 0.8% 27.7% 21.8% Shaw 52.3% 48.7% 0.6% 2.3% Witter 46.2% 48.6% Adams 22.0% 30.0% 2.4% 2.5% Greco 53.2% 53.4% 1.9% 1.8% Sligh 70.3% 69.8% Van Buren 54.5% New PK-8 49.6% 1.1% Sources: 140th day assigned student data