What is in the Web? And Commerce on the Web Lecture 2 from Chapter 2- Page 66 – 83 of Textbook using Information Technology by Williams and Sawyer, fifth edition, ISBN 0-07-115105-2 To the instructor: This presentation attempts to cover every term in the text, sometimes via a slide, sometimes via the Notes page. Additional material beyond what is in the text is presented via: Occasional “FACTOID” notations on the Notes page, and; Occasional hyperlinks in the slides themselves. ScreenTip text has been added to each hyperlink allowing you to see in advance of selecting the hyperlink where that link will take you. In addition, the last ~20 slides are questions covering the material just presented. They can be used to increase interaction between the instructor and students at the end of each lecture, to ensure students understand the material just presented, etc. Finally, some of the Notes pages include “Discussion questions” for use in encouraging student interaction during the lecture. 2018/9/22
What is in the Web? And Commerce on the Web Last week 2.1 Choosing Your Internet Access Device & Physical Connection: The Quest for Broadband 2.2 Choosing Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 2.3 Sending & Receiving E-Mail 2.4 The World Wide Web 2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, 2.6 E-Commerce, & the E-conomy Key Questions (from the text): 2.1 Choosing Your Internet Access Device & Physical Connection: The Quest for Broadband. What are the means of connecting to the Internet, and how fast are they? 2.2 Choosing Your Internet Service Provider (ISP). What is an Internet service provider, and what kinds of services do ISPs provide? 2.3 Sending & Receiving E-Mail. What are the options for obtaining e-mail software, what are the components of an e-mail address, and what are netiquette and spam? 2.4 The World Wide Web. What are websites, web pages, browsers, URLs, and search engines? 2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, E-Commerce, & the E-conomy. What are FTP, Telnet, newsgroups, real-time chat, and e-commerce? 2018/9/22
Multimedia on the Web Developing multimedia Plug-in - a program that adds a specific feature to a browser, allowing it to play or view certain files Developing multimedia Applets written in Java ActiveX JavaScript Applets - small programs that can be quickly downloaded and run by most browsers. Java - a complex programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that (among other things) enables programmers to create animated and interactive web pages. ActiveX - Microsoft’s answer to Java. JavaScript - a simpler programming language developed by Netscape which is used to make Webpages more interactive and interesting. 2018/9/22
Multimedia on the Web Text and images Animation Video Audio Download and view Streaming video Audio Download and listen Streaming audio Animation - the rapid sequencing of still images to create the appearance of motion. Streaming video - the process of transferring data in a continuous flow so that you can begin viewing a file even before the end of the file is sent. Streaming audio - the process of transferring data in a continuous flow so that you can begin listening to the file even before the end of the file is sent. 2018/9/22
Push Technology & Webcasting Push technology - software that automatically downloads information to your computer Webcasting - customized text, video, and audio sent to you automatically on a regular basis “Pull technology” - you go to a website and pull down the information you want. 2018/9/22
The Internet Telephone & Videophone Internet telephony - using the Net to make phone calls, either one-to-one or for audioconferencing 2018/9/22
2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, E-Commerce, & the E-conomy Other Internet resources: FTP (File Transfer Protocol)--for copying all the free files you want Telnet--to connect to remote computers FTP - a method whereby you can connect to a remote computer called an FTP site and transfer files to your own microcomputer’s hard disk. FACTOID: FTP is also used to upload a file from your computer to a remote computer, such as the server for your own Web page. Telnet - a program that allows you to connect to remote computers on the Internet using a user name and a password. FACTOID: The specification for Telnet was first developed in June 1980 by Jon Postel. 2018/9/22
Other Internet Resources Newsgroups--for online typed discussions on specific topics Real-time chat--typed discussions among online participants Newsgroup - a giant electronic bulletin board on which users conduct written discussions about a specific subject. Usenet - a worldwide network of servers that can be accessed through the Internet. Newsreader - a program included with most browsers that allows you to access a newsgroup and read or type messages. Real-time chat (RTC) - a typed discussion amongst online participants. Discussion question: In what ways has the Internet improved communications? In what ways has the Internet harmed communications? 2018/9/22
Your Personal Cyberspace Relationships--online matchmaking Education--the rise of distance learning Health--patient self-education Entertainment--amusing yourself Distance learning - the name given to online education programs. Discussion question: Have any of you ever tried online matchmaking? What did you think of this use of the WWW? For those of you who have thought about it and discarded the notion, what were your objections? 2018/9/22
E-Commerce E-tailing--retail commerce online Auctions--linking individual buyers and sellers Online finance--trading, banking, and e-money Online job hunting B2B commerce E-commerce (electronic commerce) - conducting business activities online. Discussion question: What is your favorite e-tailing site? What makes it your favorite? <Point browser at first site volunteered by a student. Then repeat this question and browser-pointing for each of the first four categories above.> B2B (Business-to-Business) commerce - the electronic sales or exchange of goods and services directly between companies, cutting out traditional intermediaries. 2018/9/22
Summary Multimedia – text, voice, video and graphics E-commerce – place an order through the Internet Personal cyber space: your web site 2018/9/22