Welcome to 5th Grade Ms. DeFiglia Room 207
Zones Check-In
5th Grade Curriculum Overview What your child will learn this year in fifth grade in: Reading: In Reading, students will be learning a variety of reading strategies throughout the year. We use a reader's workshop model in my classroom using the Daily 5. We also will use class read-alouds to help model the reading strategies learned during whole group meeting time. Students also will engage in independent reading time where they will practice and apply the reading strategies. Students will meet with the teacher in a small-group setting during guided reading.
Our writing this year will include: Narratives Informative Opinion 5th Grade Curriculum Overview What your child will learn this year in fifth grade in: Writing The class will be writing a lot this year. I use a writer's workshop approach during our writing time. Our writing this year will include: Narratives Informative Opinion
Math 5th Grade Curriculum Overview What your child will learn this year in fifth grade in: Math Here is the sequence of the modules that we will follow and are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Module 1: Place Value and Decimal Fractions Module 2: Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Module 3: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Module 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area Module 6: Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane
5th Grade Curriculum Overview What your child will learn this year in fifth grade in: Social Studies In fifth grade, students use their understanding of social studies concepts and cause-and-effect relationships to study the development of the United States up to 1791. By applying what they know from civics, economics and geography, students learn the ideals, principles, and systems that shaped this country’s founding. They conclude by applying their understanding of the country’s founding and the ideals in the nation’s fundamental documents to issues of importance to them today. This learning forms the foundation and understanding of social studies concepts that will provide students with the ability to examine their role in the community, state, nation, and world.
Science 5th Grade Curriculum Overview What your child will learn this year in fifth grade in: Science
Dates of Camp: January 9th – 11th Camp Seymour Dates of Camp: January 9th – 11th