The Holocaust
Hitler’s “Jewish Problem” Hitler blames Jews for all of Germany’s problems Communism, inflation, defeat in World War I, and even abstract art Massive anti-Semitism not uncommon in Germany, but once in power, Hitler can put ideas into practice.
The Mastermind of Public Opinion Joseph Goebbels Minister of Propaganda
Nuremberg Laws No German citizenship for Jews No marriage between Jews and Non-Jews Segregate Jews from Germans at all levels of society
Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” Nazis go all around Germany destroying Jewish stores, homes, and synagogues. Terrorize, arrest, and kill hundreds of Jews
TO ALL REGIONAL AND SUB-REGIONAL GESTAPO OFFICES sent at 1:20AM, November 8, 1938 SUBJECT: MEASURES AGAINST THE JEWS THIS NIGHT That only such measures were to be taken that would not endanger German lives or property (e.g. the burning of synagogues was only to be carried out if there was no danger of fire spreading to the surrounding district). Businesses and residences of Jews may be damaged but not looted. Particular care is to be paid in business sections and surrounding streets. Non-Jewish businesses are to be protected from damage under all circumstances. Police are to seize all archives from synagogues and offices of community organizations, this refers to material of historical significance. Archives are to be handed over to the SS. (Because the synagogues were to be burned to the ground, the Nazis wanted the records of the Jews.) As soon as possible, officials are to arrest as many Jews especially wealthy ones - in all districts as can be accommodated in existing cells. For the time being, only healthy male Jews of not too advanced age are to be arrested. Signed by Reinhard Heydrich, SS Gruppenfürer
“Final Solution” Genocide: willful annihilation of a political, racial, or cultural group Concentration camps: originally to make undesirables into “useful members of the Third Reich” Imprisoned political opponents, communists, socialists, and anyone who spoke out against Nazis
Architects of “The Final Solution” Heinrich Himmler Adolf Eichmann
Who else? Jews Gypsies (Roma) Jehovah’s Witnesses Homosexuals Physically and Mentally Handicapped Homeless Alcoholics Anyone not deemed as a good or useful Aryan German
Poland Nazis take over large area of land home to many Jews Place most of their death camps in Poland Death by starvation, disease, gas and poisons, & shooting Over 2 million non-Jewish Poles killed
Why no help from the Allies? Strict immigration policies during the Great Depression Didn’t think Hitler’s plans would be carried out to such an extreme USSR & Stalin didn’t care what Hitler did to Jews Britain & US too focused on defeating Hitler 1944 US finally created the War Refugee Board