Simulations of the response of the KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter using a FLUKA package Frascati Spring School 13.05.2008 J.J. Zdebik, B. Di Micco, P. Moskal
PLAN 1. Introduction - physic motivation 2. Geometry implementation with FLUKA and results of simulations with jjpluto: - one calorimeter module - the whole kloe barrel calorimeter geometry
1. Introduction - physic motivation We implement the barrel calorimeter geometry to fluka package because we want to simulate as realistic response of the detector as possible. Main purpose: the implementation more detailed geometry with the smallest parts of detector (fibers structure) Fluka simulation is mostly used in low energy hadronic interaction, medical science, dose evaluation, neutriono beam simulation. Kloe with its particle spectra up to 1 GeV can, in principle, have a more accurate description of the detector physics with FLUKA.
The KLOE Barrel Calorimeter
simulation of lead-scintillator layers (GEANT3) 2. Geometry implementation. FLUKA and KLOE MC - differences simulation of lead-scintillator layers (GEANT3) One module of the calorimeter lead layer scintilator layer
implementation of the smallest parts of the calorimeter layers: FLUKA and KLOE MC - differences implementation of the smallest parts of the calorimeter layers: active material (fiber) and passive (glue, lead foil)... LEAD 385 fibers in one layer GLUE FIBRES ... and photoelectrons statistic of PMs
Previous situation: Rectangular module implemented 200 Layers 1 LAYER REPLICATED 200 TIMES USING LATTICE TOOL First Fluka version (G. Battistoni, B. Di Micco, A. Ferrari, A. Passeri, V. Patera)
Fluka structure visualisation Visualization performed using the FLAIR package Z [cm] base cell X [cm]
Implementation of the one calorimeter module First approach: 1). define a new base cell: 1 glue cylinder, 1 fiber cylinder, 1 lead box New base cell. Replicated ~4000 times to design the triangular sections. previous structure New areas Number of regions: ~4500 The geometry file has got: 21230 lines
Implementation of the one calorimeter module CALORIMETER: TRAPESOID MODULE
Implementation of the one calorimeter module How it works? Building material by FLUKA in replicated areas in „fly” TRANSPORT FROM BASE CELL TO REPLICATED AREA PARTICLE TRACK TRANSFORMATION TO BASE CELL AND TRANSPORT PARTICLE IN MATERIAL PARTICLE TRACK
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Vertex generator implemented (jjpluto), reproducing the processes: e+e- → φ → → e+e- → φ → 0 → e+e- → φ → → 000 → e+e- → φ → Ks Kl e+e- → φ → K+ K- e+e- → φ → ' → e+e- → φ → ' → 000 → a simulation based on GENBOD (phase space generator - from Cern libraries)
e+e- → φ → → e+e- → φ → 0 → e+e- → φ → JJpluto vs kloe data comparision e+e- → φ → 0 → e+e- → φ → → e+e- → φ → KLOE EXPERIMENTAL DATA SIMULATIONS WITH JJPLUTO
Implementation of the one calorimeter module: Coordinate system beam axis
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Implementation of the one calorimeter module: ENERGY DEPOSITIONS e+e- → φ → → 000 → 1000 events 20000 events
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Position of particles at calorimeter entrance haven been stored using BXDRAW routine in mgdraw.f (Boundary crossing drawing) e+e- → φ → → 000 → 40 000 events
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Position of particles at calorimeter entrance haven been stored using BXDRAW routine in mgdraw.f 40 000 events e+e- → φ → → 000 →
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter Comments: 1) The simplest solution. The FLUKA barrel is the replication of a single module; 2) problems: Impossible to do in the present version (lattice of lattices is not implemented). Upgrade of FLUKA version requested to the authors 3) Code already available and running. We are waiting for new FLUKA release for this approach. At the meanwhile we implemented of the barrel calorimeter geometry in another way:
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter: Visualisation with Flair BASE CELL The rest conatiners are replicated areas (lattice areas) 24 modules of geometry: 59810 lines bodies: 16 674 5214 regions Structure of base cell: Lattices Base cells
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter: Lattic replication ROTATION TO FIBER STRUCTURE AND INTERACTION WITH MATERIAL PARTICLE TRACK
Implementation of the one calorimeter module Fibers structure
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter: Energy deposits on the geometry Events: 1000 e+e- → φ → → 000 →
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter: Energy deposits on the edge of two modules Statistic: 10 000 events
e+e- → φ → → 000 → Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter: Energy deposits on the geometry - one event only e+e- → φ → → 000 → Merging effect g Splitting effect g g g g g g
Implementation of the whole barrel calorimeter Thanks for attention