U.S. History I Chapter 5 1865-1914 Immigration and Urbanization Background: Immigrant Family Right: “Deported Pen” Ellis Island
U.S. History I Chapter 5 Section 1 “The New Immigrants” 2.3, 3.7, 9.3, 9.4 Top Left: Immigrant “test”, Sikh Immigrants from India, Angel Island Poster, and Chinese Exclusion Cartoon
Immigrants Decide to Leave Home Why did Europeans come to the U.S.? Push Factors Farm poverty and worker uncertainty Wars and conscription Political tyranny Religious oppression Pull Factors Plenty of land and work (Homestead Act 1862) Higher standard of living Democratic political system Opportunity for social advancement
The Immigrant Experience Steerage: the cheapest and basic way to travel on a steamship Arrived at Ellis Island K= hernia X= mental disabilities H= heart problems Sc= scalp problems “Old” Immigrants: Northern & Western Europe: Pre- Irish/German “New” Immigrants: Southern & Eastern Europe- Catholic/Jewish “Chain” Immigrants: Family of original immigrant
Angel Island Chinese Immigrants Japanese Immigrants Taiping Rebellion Central Pacific Railroad Japanese Immigrants Economic hardships Over 200,000 Chinese and Japanese immigrants arrived on the West Coast during the late 1800s
Resurgence of Nativism Nativism: extreme dislike for immigrants by native-born people and a desire to limit immigration Prejudice Against Newcomers Prejudice: an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand without knowledge of the facts; an irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion Discrimination: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice American Protective Association Henry Bowers Anti-Catholic & Foreigners Wanted to stop all immigration
The Immigration Debate “They would close to the newcomer the bridge that carried them and their fathers over”
Americanization: Programs aimed at turning immigrants into “Americans” Assimilation: To blend into society Melting Pot: Many cultures combine to form one distinct “American” culture Impact on the Anti-Immigrant Movement Workingman’s Party of California Dennis Kearney Fighting Chinese immigration Chinese Exclusion Act: 1882 Barred Chinese immigration for 10 years Barred Chinese immigrants already in the country from becoming citizens Even after Chinese protests became a permanent act in 1902 Act was repealed in 1943
U.S. History I (Five Points and NYC) Chapter 5 Section 2 “Cities Expand and Change” 2.2, 2.3, 3.7, 9.3 http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/five-points.htm
Section 2: Urbanization Americans Migrate to the Cities: Rural to Urban Migrants: Urbanization Immigrants The New Urban Environment Frederick Law Olmsted- Central Park: N.Y.C. Skyscrapers- 10 Stories and up: Home Insurance Building: Chicago Louis Sullivan Mass Transit: Carry Many People Elisha Otis: Safety Elevator Inventor Separation by Class High Society Middle-Class Gentility: “Streetcar” Suburbs-Cleaner ‘perimeter’ of city The Working Class Tenements : Low-cost multi-family housing Average annual income $445.00
Frederick Law Olmstead Designed Central Park in NYC
City Problems Pollution/Sanitation Crime Racial Tension “classism” Political Corruption Fire: 1871: Great Chicago Fire 100,000 People left homeless (top right: immigrant children living in poverty)
The “Great” Chicago Fire: 1871 200-300 Killed 100,000 Left homeless
U.S. History Chapter 5 Section 3 “Social and Cultural Trends” “2.2,3.6,9.3” “Uncle Sam is a Man of Strong Features” (Top Left) “The Melting Pot” (Top Right)
The Gilded Age A Changing Culture Gilded Age Mark Twain and Charles Wagner The Idea of Individualism Horatio Alger Brave and Bold Rags to Riches stories
Americans Become Consumers Conspicuous Consumption: Buying for status and the sake of buying: Buying more for WANT than NEED. Advertising: Rowland Macy (NYC), Jordan Marsh (Chicago: “Marshall” Fields) Department Store: variety of goods organized into departments…used advertising Standard of living began to improve for middle/upper class
Mass Culture Newspaper: Joseph Pulitzer: Evening World William Randolph Hearst: Morning Journal
Literature and Arts: Creating Social Awareness Horatio Alger: Rags to Riches Stephen Crane: Maggie: a Girl from the Streets (NYC Slums and Prostitution) Red Badge of Courage (Psychological Impact of War) Edith Wharton: Age of Innocence: Questioned societies “rigid rules” Thomas Eakins: Realist Painter
Popular Entertainment Amusement Parks: Coney Island Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show Church Summer Camps Vaudeville: Music, Comedy, Acrobats, Animal Acts, and Plays were featured Spectator Sports: Boxing, Baseball Baseball: included black players until 1876: Chicago Cubs Formed 1887: Chicago White Stockings refused to play a team with a black player James Naismith: invented basketball in 1891 at YMCA