Spring 2017 Arizona Elite Circle (EC) Orientation Teach, Train, Inspire, Empower and…Ask for Action!
What is EC and Why Create a Solid foundation for building SUCCESS ! Build New Leaders so that TEAMS will come. Accountability Navy Seal of WFG Move to the next level - • MD, SMD, EMD, CEO, EVC, SEVC • This is CEO-To-Be-Training! Trained by Truly Elite builders of WFG. *The only thing standing in your way from becoming a CEO is: ACTION!
Graduate + Replacement A Pipeline to Find and Grow Leaders People Under Leadership and Assets Under Management Promotion A SA MD SMD EMD CEO EVC Elite Circle Enrollment Leaders Graduate + Replacement Knowledge Discipline Successful Habit
Uniqueness of EC Paperless system of EC Little to no administrative overhead to SMD Diversified cadets Organic training materials tailored for cadets All EC Classes start at 1:00 pm. Classes finish whenever the job gets done. There will be a break somewhere in the session
Elite Trainers March 4, 2017 CEO MD Christopher Schloeman $500,000+ Earner
Elite Trainers March 18, 2017 Executive Vice Chairman Jun De La Cruz $1,00,000+ Earner
Elite Trainers April 8, 2017 Executive Marketing Director Andy Weng $750,000+ Earner
Elite Trainers April 22, 2017 Executive Vice Chairman Deron Ferrell $1,000,000+ Earner
Elite Trainers May 6, 2017 Executive Vice Chairman John Cordero $900,000+ Earner
Elite Trainers May 20, 2017 Senior Marketing Director Bryan Linder $500,000+ Earner
Preparation Attending Orientation Registration – NOW Must be WFG Associate Registration Fee: $125/$200 (per Couple) All collected registration fees will be used towards the class expenses: Travels (hotels/food) – For Guest Speakers Recognitions (diplomas, trophy, etc.)
Protocol Business formal dress code (SMD Team Shirts), Pen, Mead 5 star Notebook(not computer or tablet) Three books. Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, Steven R. Covey 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, Steven Siebold No videos or pictures taking Be on time (Doors lock exactly at 1 pm) No Leakage of material or detail of Elite Circle, in any degree, to any person outside of Elite Circle No Excuses May get point deductions (details to be explained).
Scoring - Credit Promotions, credit to the promoting associate SA +2 MD +2 SMD +8 EMD +10 CEO + 12 Attending Weekly BPM Mandatory Homework Credit
1 positive point for each Unit of Homework Activity Score - Strikes 1 positive point for each Unit of Homework Activity We will use the Strike System-3 strikes you are out If you are caught cheating-you are out! 2 missed classes-you are out No Homework-Strike + $20 fine Late to a class-Minus 2 points +20 fine Phone Rings-$20 fine
Homework - Scoring For example Homework=4 Units 2 personal recruits 2 sales, 2000 points minimum per app If only 1 point of hw completed, then +1 points given If all complete, +4 points given
Homework - Credit Recruit +1 Recruit Point Recruit +1 Sales Point (2000 points min) Split Sale with field trainer (trainee licensed in elite)=.5 points for each Sale with Non-licensed trainee (if trainee is in elite)=+1 for each
Homework Submission Deadline for current EC homework period: by 12 noon day before the next class. Recruit Proof – Welcome letter of new associate from Recruiter or Agent Info page Sales Proof Life Application page 1 (mask client’s SSN and DOB) Client signature page Agent signature page (if not in the same page of client signature page) EFT/Check image (mask client’s bank account number) Rollover The page shows the money was received by the company
Homework Submission Recruiting proof - Welcome email of new associate from Recruiter or Agent Info page
Homework Submission Sales Proof
Homework Submission Sales Proof
How to Submit Homework BPM Attendance Recruit Proof Submit on https://sites.google.com/site/azelitecircle 3 calendar days of the application date for IUL, or 3 calendar days after check is received from client for annuities or trial apps.
Submit on https://sites.google.com/site/azelitecircle Bonus Points New Watch Earner ($50K cash flow), +3 New Ring Earner, +3 New 1st $1000 cash flow, +2 Promotion Bonus Associate +2 SA +2 MD +2 SMD +8 EMD +10 Submit on https://sites.google.com/site/azelitecircle
Replacement What is a replacement Must be direct Must register the next EC together with the cadet Does not matter if they are currently in EC or not They must register through the website for the upcoming EC to count From 3rd class, each cadet needs to have at least one replacement. Replacement must attend next EC No replacement at 3rd Class, -1 / 4th Class, -2 / 5th Class, -4
Graduation Completion MVP Swords Life licensed If associate begins EC unlicensed, must be at least life licensed by end of third class (April 8) At least 10 points by the end of the last class Must make at least $1,000 cash flow during EC session Will receive Certificate of Completion Graduate Dinner at the Compass Room MVP Swords Non SMD and SMD MVP # 1 Graduate (points) Golf Score may be considered if a tie, then most direct recruits wins
e-mail: phoenixwfgoffice@gmail.com Everything is @ https://sites.google.com/site/azelitecircle e-mail: phoenixwfgoffice@gmail.com
Vegas Convention of Champions Next Big Event Vegas Convention of Champions August 13-16
Compound Effect “Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.” “Your only path to success is through a continuum of mundane, unsexy, unexciting, and sometimes difficult daily disciplines compounded over time.” “All successful people continually do the little things that compound into something extraordinary!”– SEVC Bill Mitchell Have an extra mile attitude: Care more than what others think is wise Risk more than what others think is safe Dream more than what others think is possible Work more than what others think is necessary