The Standards Development Process Malia Zaman Staff Liaison IEEE SA High Level presentation on the Standards Development Process
Rigorous Standards Process The widely respected IEEE-SA standards-development process, which adheres to the WTO/TBT Principles, produces results that reflect the collective consensus view of participants and enable industry to achieve specific objectives and solutions Consensus Due Process Openness Right of Appeal Balance 6 March 2012
IEEE Standards Development Process Idea! Develop draft standard Standards Board approval Project approval Sponsor ballot Publish standard Revise or withdraw standard
Two Types of Standards Development Individual method Participants are “individuals”: i.e., people Individuals represent themselves Each individual participant has one vote Ballot groups are made up of a minimum of 10 individuals Ballot group participants must be IEEE-SA individual members Entity (Corporate) method Participants are “entities,” i.e., companies, universities, government bodies, etc. Designated representative and alternate represent the entity Each entity has one vote Standards project initiation requires 3 entities to commit to membership and payment of appropriate dues Entity sends representatives to participate in standards development meetings
What is myProject? myProject is: A free web-based tool that facilitates the IEEE Standards process Database that holds information related to the standards process A tool used by IEEE and SA members, staff, and whomever wants to participate in the standards process. 9/22/2018
IEEE Standards Development: Project Approval Process Any individual or company with a technical idea may start a project Determine need for project Referred to as a “Sponsor” Sponsor provides guidance and support from a technical standpoint Find a technical group within IEEE to “sponsor” the project Develop scope and purpose of the project Submit a Project Authorization Request (PAR) form for approval by New Standards Committee (NesCom)
IEEE Standards Development: Mobilizing the Working Group Working Groups are open groups Comprised of individuals for individual standards projects or representatives from entities for corporate standards projects. Participants in WGs have technical expertise, knowledge and dedicated interest in the technology being standardized Individuals and/or corporations in working groups work collaboratively to reach consensus in order to move the project forward How to Participate: Attend and speak up at meetings, submit written contributions, review and comment on draft, volunteer for writing assignments. Contributions: Oral/Written, identify existing material – submit copyright, if needed 9/22/2018
IEEE Standards Development: Tips for Draft Development Develop an outline Assign leads amongst working group members to developed clauses of the draft Avoid writing document in meetings Refer to IEEE Standards Style Manual often for document structure and utilize draft template. Utilization of a technical editor, to gather inputs and ensure technical consistency Do not make the draft, or contributions to the draft, public How to Participate: Attend and speak up at meetings, submit written contributions, review and comment on draft, volunteer for writing assignments. Contributions: Oral/Written, identify existing material – submit copyright, if needed. 9/22/2018
IEEE Standards Development: Sponsor Ballot –Invitation & MEC Once the WG has an approved draft after approval from WG/Subcommittee/Sponsor, they should submit the draft for MEC through myProject Mandatory Editorial Coordination (MEC)* Typically 30 days Ballot Invitation Working Group Chair initiates the Invitation in myProject Typically 30 day invitation period Must have balance within ballot group 9
Sponsor Ballot & Membership Membership requirements Individual Method IEEE–SA Individual Membership is needed to join an individual ballot Or pay a per ballot fee Corporate Method At least a Basic Corporate membership is needed to join an entity ballot 9/22/2018
Balloting the Standard – Sponsor Ballot Working Group Chair initiates the Request to Ballot in myProject Typically a 30 day ballot Balloters can approve, disapprove, abstain Consensus must be reached for the standard to move forward* Comment Resolution period begins after ballot closes Resolve comments (accepted, rejected, revised)* Initiate Recirculation(s) 10 days Draft should show changes To prepare for Sponsor ballot the WGC initiates the request in myProject. *In other words the ballot must reach 75% response rate, and 75% approval rate in order to move forward *can form a BRC to expedite process of comment resolution 9/22/2018
IEEE Standards Development: Submitting to RevCom RevCom -The Standards Review Committee Once a project has achieved approval within the balloting group it can be submitted to RevCom for final review RevCom makes recommendation to the SASB who makes final approval. Next step is for the IEEE Editorial, the editor will contact the WG Chair to process the draft for final publication Once a project has achieved approval the draft is submitted to RevCom. 12
IEEE Standards Development: Publication of Standard/Maintenance Standards must have a revision approved by the IEEE-SASB prior to the close of year 10 in order to remain active Any Standard without an approved revision will become inactive after year 10 A revision action can result in: Changes to the Standard Changes to only the references or bibliography No changes This process enables sponsors to focus on revisions of standards that require maintenance action, rather than a diffusion of Sponsor efforts to meet administrative requirements for reaffirmation or stabilization Have a process that permits a standard to be revised when addressing comments during maintenance so that IEEE standards will remain pertinent and of high technical value Effective 1 January 2012, the status of a standard will either be active or inactive The changes are available online at The only actions available to Sponsors will be: Revision Amendment/Corrigendum (does not impact maintenance cycle) Withdrawal Standards will have a 10 year maintenance cycle (i.e., extended from 5 years to 10 years after the last date of approval or maintenance action) The status for a standard will be either active or inactive All standards must have a revision approved by the IEEE-SASB prior to the close of Year 10 in order to remain active Any standard not approved as a revision will become inactive after Year 10 13
IEEE Standards Development: Publication of Standard/Maintenance Rationale Process Allows standards developers to concentrate on keeping IEEE standards relevant Reduced IEEE’s legal risk associated with outdated standards by making needed revisions where warranted by the Sponsor, Working Group, and Sponsor Balloting Group Status of Inactive standards will now include; inactive-superseded: These standards have been replaced with a revised version of the standard inactive-reserved: These standards are removed from active status through an administrative process inactive-withdrawn: These standards have been removed from active status through a Sponsor ballot 14
Helpful Information How to become an IEEE-Standards Association Member How to become an IEEE Power and Energy Society member How to get a MyProject Account User guide – walks through myProject and has instructions for all the process steps 9/22/2018
Q&A? Malia Zaman Email: Tel: 732-562-3838 9/22/2018