Lets start with A little background knowledge before we start the review of 1.1 the First americans
Were Hunters and Gatherers People of the Stone Age Were Hunters and Gatherers Getting Food
Groups of related families united in bands to collect roots, nuts, fruits and seeds. They also hunted together. By cooperating together they met their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter.
The animals they killed provided meat for food, bones for tools, and hides for clothing.
They set up seasonal camps in caves or rock shelters wherever the animals were plentiful. But they could never stay long. They were always following the moving heard.
Groups migrated when food (plants or animals) became scarce in one location. We’re outta here! Yaba-daba-doo!
Spreading Through the World
Reasons for the Migrations Couldn’t find enough food Growing number of bands Changing climate (desertification) Follow animals on the move (hunting)
About 35,000 years ago Ice sheets covered about 1/3 of the earth Result…ocean level lower & land bridges made migration to various parts of world possible Ice Age
And it made a cool movie too…
Early Cultures and Societies
People in different parts of the world gradually developed their own cultures (way of life). As these groups grew larger, their organization and interactions within the group changed. Band members now performed different tasks (division of labor) and took on different roles according to their abilities and the group’s needs.
Now you have some background knowledge of the ice age. Lets now start with the review of Chapter 1. section 1. The Earliest Americans
Section 1:The Earliest Americans REVIEW OF Unit 1 Chapter 1 Section 1:The Earliest Americans
Key Term: Glacier Glaciers are thick sheets of ice.
Key Term: IRRIGATION Irrigation is any method to water crops by channeling water from rivers, or streams. People who lived in deserts used irrigation to water their crops.
Surplus is the extra amount of product you have. Key Term: SURPLUS Surplus is the extra amount of product you have. When the first americans started farming they discovered that they could trade their surplus crops. Some farming communities grew into cities. These cities became centers of government and religious life. Key Terms: Surplus
Key terms: Civilization Key Term: CIVILIZATION Civilization is an advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science, and industries. The Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs had very advanced civilizations. How it all started: When the first Americans started farming they discovered that they could trade their surplus crops. Some farming communities grew into cities. These cities became centers of government and religious life. Key terms: Civilization
The First Americans: The Land-Bridge Theory The Land-Bridge theory states that between 20,ooo to 30,000 years ago, hunters possibly hunting down a large game, crossed from Siberia to Alaska. They were able to cross because the water was frozen. It became a glacier. This passage is called the Bering Strait now. It is not frozen, but back then it was.
The First Americans: Other Theories Some people don’t believe in the Land- Bridge theory. They believe in the Coastal-route theory. The Coastal-route theory says that they got to America by boat and then traveled southward on foot.
The First Americans: Learning to Farm Changing from hunters and gatherers, to farmers. They started to grow their own food. This allowed them to settle in one place without worry of running out of food. Hector they were both hunters and gatherers. Later they started to farm and settle Farmers also learned how to raise animals like cattle, pigs and llamas Over time, the hunters were running out of game to hunt so they started to change their ways. This is how cities began
Three Civilizations: 1. Mayas The Mayans had a great civilization, expanding from present-day Mexico and Central America. They were known for their great cities, arts , system of government, and a written language. They created one of the most accurate calendars. For an unknown reason, the Mayans began to abandon their cities. Their language is the root for more than 20 languages of Central America. Watch out for “There” which refers to location or state of being and “their” which refers to possession. Great research details!
Where was the Mayan civilization located? Maya calendar
The Aztecs
Three Civilizations: 2. Aztecs While the Mayan civilization declined, the Aztecs rose. The Aztecs built a great city, Tenochtitlan in present day Mexico City. Tenochtitlan was built on a series of islands on a large lake connected by stone roads. The main island was full of temples to honor the gods. They were harsh rulers that had regular sacrifices for their gods. Their armies conquered over half of Mexico. Eventually Hernando Cortez destroyed the Aztec Empire.
Tenochtitlan was built on a series of islands on a large lake connected by stone roads.
Where was the Aztec empire located located? Mexico
3. Incas The Incan Empire was the largest during the 1400’s. It stretched all the way down South America. following the Andes, across the desert, all the way to the last parts of the Amazon. They built amazing, perfectly fitting stone buildings. They also had the greatest, smoothest roads in the world during its time. Francisco Pissarro destroyed this civilization. 3. Incas
Where was the inca civilization located? It is located in South America. It was centered in modern Peru, and also covered large parts of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile. Also most of Colombia and some of Argentina. Where was the inca civilization located?
The End