Changes in state ... endothermic exothermic
Changes in state ... endothermic exothermic
Let’s now go back in time ...
How does d18O change over the past 80,000 years?
How does d18O change over the past 80,000 years? What do the squiggles mean?
warmer cooler
When did we start to develop farming? warmer cooler
When did we start to develop farming? First farming communities ... warmer cooler
First farming communities ... Let’s zoom in ... First farming communities ... warmer cooler
Who here has heard about Vikings?
Who here has heard about Vikings?
Who here has heard about Vikings?
Who here has heard about Vikings?
Let’s zoom in ... warmer cooler
When would you visit? When would you go? warmer cooler
How does d18O change in the past? (Vikings) Ahh: Vikings arrive in Greenland warmer cooler Brrr: Vikings leave Greenland
What are some things that might happen if the world became warmer or cooler? Let’s zoom in ... warmer cooler