Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen.


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Presentation transcript:

Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen

Ages of Anorthosites

Archaean Anorthosite

REE of Anorthosites

Phinney Model

Stratigraphy of an Archaean Ophiolite: Ivaisaartoq Intrusion, Greenland

Polat’s Model of origin of the Ivaisaartoq Intrusion

Ashwal’s Model

Global belt of Proterozoic Anorthosites in the Gondwanaland

North American Anorthosite Belt

Nain Complex

Pyroxenes in Nain complex Blue – anorthosites; gray – granitoids; green – ferrodiorites. (Emslie et al. 1994)

Composition of Nain Groups

Cross-section of Poe Mtn. anorthosite

Plagioclase-melt Densities

Phase relations at 1 GPa (Longhi et al. 1999)

Genesis of AMCG Suite

Spinifex Structures

Komatiite Flow

Ore Deposits in Komatiites Huppert & Sparks (1985)

Komatiites & Komatiites

Phase diagram

MgO-SiO2 of Komatiite Types