Petrology Chapter 12 G. Sen
Ages of Anorthosites
Archaean Anorthosite
REE of Anorthosites
Phinney Model
Stratigraphy of an Archaean Ophiolite: Ivaisaartoq Intrusion, Greenland
Polat’s Model of origin of the Ivaisaartoq Intrusion
Ashwal’s Model
Global belt of Proterozoic Anorthosites in the Gondwanaland
North American Anorthosite Belt
Nain Complex
Pyroxenes in Nain complex Blue – anorthosites; gray – granitoids; green – ferrodiorites. (Emslie et al. 1994)
Composition of Nain Groups
Cross-section of Poe Mtn. anorthosite
Plagioclase-melt Densities
Phase relations at 1 GPa (Longhi et al. 1999)
Genesis of AMCG Suite
Spinifex Structures
Komatiite Flow
Ore Deposits in Komatiites Huppert & Sparks (1985)
Komatiites & Komatiites
Phase diagram
MgO-SiO2 of Komatiite Types