A Geographer’s Tools
A Globe A globe is the best way to represent earth! A globe is a smaller version of the earth. The only difference is the scale, or size of the earth.
Globe However, a globe can be very inconvenient! Have you ever tried to put a globe in your back pocket?
Globe Another problem with globes is that they don’t show streets. So they are not very useful for getting around in town!
Flat maps Therefore, people use flat maps!
Flat maps However, there are problems with flat maps too! It is impossible to make a round earth flat with out distortion, or the loss of accuracy.
Types of Maps Political Maps are designed to show the borders of countries, states, and counties. They usually show major cities and bodies of water, as well.
Types of Maps Physical maps show the location of landforms like deserts, mountains and plains.
Types of Maps A Thematic Map shows a particular topic or theme. EX: Electoral Map
Types of Projections Equal Area Mercator
Gerardus Mercator In 1569, Mercator created a flat map to help sailors navigate around the globe. Mercator's map was useful because it showed direction accurately.
Mercator Mercator made his map by expanding the lines of longitude near the poles. However, this distorted the sizes and distances between and of objects. EX: Greenland looks bigger than South America, but its only 1/8th the size.
Equal Area Map Equal Area maps show the correct size of land masses, but their shapes are distorted.
Arthur Robinson Your text book mostly uses Robinson projection. Arthur H. Robinson died in 2004 and is believed by many to have created the best world map available. It shows most distances, sizes, and shapes accurately. Although, there is some distortion around the poles.
Aerial Photographs and Satellite Imagery
Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs are taken from the air.
Satellite Images Satellite images are taken from a satellite in Earth’s orbit.
Aerial and Satellite Images Also show distortion Do not show objects that are hidden such as subways, or streams covered by vegetation.
Parts of a Map: Compass Rose A diagram of a compass showing direction.
Parts of a Map: Scale Bar A scale bar shows the actual distance on land compared to the map. EX: Turn to page 21 in your book.
Parts of a Map: Key A key, or legend, is the part of the map that explains the symbols or shading on the map. EX: See page 20 and 21