KodaRoamers Camera Club
Available Photo Contests What are you doing with your photos? Are they just sitting in a box or taking space on you hard drive? This program is designed to present you with opportunities to enter you images and get both recognition for your talents.
Why enter photo contests? 1. To get recognized for your talents. * Ribbons or certificates * Publication of winning image(s) * Monetary awards Depending on the source of the competition you may earn ribbons and monetary awards. Magazines like Shutterbug and Popular Photography and Outdoor Illinois print contest winners in later issues of their magazine. Illinois State fair and Logan County fair give ribbons and monetary premiums with their ribbons.
Why enter photo contests ? 2. To learn what makes a winning photograph. * View photos that won top awards. Why did this image win over my image? * Attend the judge’s post event evaluations of winning photos. Even if you don’t win a competition you can still learn from it. Look at the winning photo. What made it better? Composition? Impact? Did it have better focus or exposure?
Rules to enter photo contests 1. Read the directions 2. Read the directions 3. READ THE DIRECTIONS!! 4. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!! I cannot stress strong enough Read and Follow ALL directions. Failure to do so can get you disqualified and getting entry fees back is NOT an option. In the camera club we are more forgiving and will recatagorize you image if we catch it before the competition. Outside the club this will not happen and the resulting disqualification can be very frustrating.
Rules to enter photo contests 1. Image Format * Slides, Digital or Prints 2. Image Presentation * Prints * Mounted or Un-mounted * Size limitations on the image or mounting
Rules to enter photo contests *Slides *Should be cardboard or plastic mounts *Always send duplicate slides for contests outside of the club competitions *Digitial * Be aware of file size limitations! *Jpeg images. *Resubmissions: *Once an image has received award it cannot be re-entered.
In Club Contests 1. Assignments 2. Annual Salon *Theme related * Time restrictions – Images must have been taken within a certain time frame (usually the last year) *Format – usually digital and/or slides 2. Annual Salon * 7 Themed categories for slides/digital (nature, architecture, animals, etc.), 4 categories for prints. Small/Large Monochrome and Small/Large Color * Currently no time restriction on when images were taken.
In Club Contests 2. Salon – continued * 15 slides/digital entries per member – not more than 4 in any one category. * 9 Prints per member. Small is image up to 8” X 12” on 11” X 14” mounting board. Large is image larger than 8” X 12” up to 16” X 20” on 16” X 20” mounting board. No more than 4 per category *Certificates are given for places 1st through 4th and honorable mention in each category. Members getting Best of Show in slides, digital and print will have their name engraved on traveling trophy and will take trophy home for year. Also get small trophy to keep.
Interclub Challanges 1. KodaRoamer versus Photocolorists *Theme related * Clubs alternate hosting. Host club chooses theme. *Time restricted – Images must have been taken since last challenge. *Slides or digital – 6 images per member * Ribbons for 1st through 5th and 30 honorable mention
Interclub Challanges 2. I-74 Challenge *KodaRoamers versus Champaign Co. Camera Club * Theme related. Host club chooses theme. * Clubs alternate hosting. * 40 digital images for each club. Members of KodaRoamers may submit 6 images for pre-judge. No member of either club may have more than 4 images accepted for competition. Ribbons awarded for 1st through 5th and honorable mentions.
Central IL. Camera Club Assoc. 1. Fall Salon * Each club may enter 50 slides/digital images, 50 small and large black and white images and 50 small and large color images. *Clubs have a pre-judging and the top 50 images for each category are sent. * 2 day event – Print judging on Friday night. Slide/digital judged on Sat. morning and afternoon and banquet Sat. evening to show accepted, honor and Best of Show in each category. Central Illinois Camera Club Association is a group of 14 clubs in Illinois and the eastern edge of Iowa. There are 2 competitions a year – a Fall salon and an Spring individual salon. The Fall Salon is a club salon and clubs take turns hosting the salons.
Central IL. Camera Club Assoc 2. Individual Salon * Club members of each club may submit entries on their own or through the club representative. *There is no pre-judging. *1 day event. Images are judged and awards presented. There is no banquet with presentation of images * Each club member may have a maximum of 8 slide/digital images and 8 prints. Similar format but 1 day with no banquet or awards show. Best of Show awards are presented. Ribbons are given to club representative to present at future club meeting.
Central IL. Camera Club Assoc. * There are 4 slide/digital categories and 4 print categories. *Nature, Pictorial, Photo-Realistic and Altered Reality. Nature and Pictorial digital images can have only global adjustments. ie – exposure, cropping. Photo – Realistic – May be manipulated but must appear realistic of the scene. Only images take my the maker may be used in blending. HDR and Infrared images are not permitted in this category. *Altered Reality – Only restriction is that image(s) used in the photo must have been taken by maker. Infrared and HDR permitted.
Photographic Society of America 1. Offers competitive opportunities for the club and individual. *Club – International Club Image Competition *Open category – No restrictions on subject matter *Slide - Members submit 6 slides which are judged and best 6 images are sent for competition. Only 2 images per member per competition. *Digital – Only 1 image per member per competition. PSA is an international organization offering courses in photography as well as club and individual competitive opportunities. Our club participates in the International Club Image Competition. Images are judged and sent to another club for judging. We receive points for each image judged and based on these points our club is ranked. There are 4 groups A-D with 20 clubs in each group. Ais the highest group. KodaRoamer is currently in 7th in group B
Photographic Society of America 2. Individual Competitive Opportunities. * You must join to enter competitions. *Individual membership $45/year. Sr. (>72) $40/yr *Joint (2 members same address) $68/yr. Sr. $62/yr (*Includes monthly PSA journal) *Wide variety of member services. *New member galleries, image evaluations, mentor services, photography courses, instructional slide and DVD programs, group studies, Photo and workshops and MORE! * Earn points for accomplishments in competition. Website: www.psa-photo.org
Contests outside the Club McLean Co. Arts Assoc. *Amateur Art Competition and Exhibition *Open to McLean Co residents. High school, University and Adult levels. Open to many form of art. *Call for entries is Feb. Exhibition runs through March and April. *Accepted works are eligible for awards and exhibition in the gallery and on the Association’s website. * Fee for entry. * Website: www.mcaart.org/mcac/html/index.html
Contests outside the Club Heart of Illinois Fair *Open classes for Large and small prints *Print sizes same as CICCA. Cover with shrink wrap or clear plastic sleeve. No frames *Entry fee plus you must buy entry pass. $1 per image and $12 for 5 day exhibitor’s pass. $4/image if late entry. *Deliver images late June. *Premiums for 1st through 4th and Honorable mention * Special themed category each year *Website: www.heartofillinoisfair.com
Contests outside the Club Logan County Fair *Open class photography with 15 themed categories for color images and 7 for black and white. *5X7 images framed – no mat. 8X10 and 8X12 mounted and matted and framed to hang on peg board. * Entry fee is $15 exhibitors pass *Small premiums with ribbons for 1st through 3rd and honorable mention. Special awards for some themed categories. *Website: www.logancountyfair.org
Contests outside the Club Best in Show Print contest *Co-Sponsored by Champaign County CC, the Urbana Park District the News-Gazette. * Annual event at the Lincoln Square mall in Urbana in February. * Prints size limitations. * Time limit for images *7 categories. Entrants limited to 3 images. *Ribbons and awards for 1st through 3rd each category and 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall. Top images featured In News-Gazette paper. *Website: www.champaigncountycameraclub.org This is a great put on by Champaign Camera club each year. 2010 was the 9th annual show. Look for entry form in the Urbana park district site or from Hiram Paley. The last day of the show is the judges’s evaluation of some of the winner’s of the competition. This is a wonderful way to learn what judge’s look for in a winning image.
Contests outside the Club Outdoor Illinois Photo contest. *Sponsored by the IL. Dept. of Natural Resources. *Open to all residents of IL and images must have be taken in IL *Print, Slide and Digital formats accepted. *Be sure to read for size limits. *Prints – un-mounted or duplicate slides. Images are not returned. *Grand Prize gets prize package for stay in IL state park lodge and ticket to Hall of Fame banquet. *Grand prize and category winners images published in Feb. issue of Outdoor Illinois magazine. *Website: www. dnr.state.il.us/oi
Contests outside the Club Photo magazine contests *Your best Shot – Popular Photography magazine Digital images only – size limits All subject matter – no nudes Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Publication in magazine and/or the website. For rules and more info: http://www.popphoto.com/yourbestshot
Contests outside the Club Shutterbug Magazine *Picture This! Contest *Monthly themed contest * Prints or slides only. No Digital. Images not returned. * Send short caption that includes camera, film. Exposure settings and location. *Model release or written permission for recognizable person(s) in image. *Winning images published in future issue *See copy of magazine for submission info and current themes. Send only duplicate slides or unmounted prints.
Other Photo Contests Want more contests? *Weather channel photo contests *Tameron Fall photo contest *Smithsonian magazine photo contest *Cute Kid photo contest Want more contests? Use your favorite computer search and look up photo contests. I used bing.com and got 16,000,000 results.
Thanks for your attention READ THE RULES Good Luck Have Fun Thanks for your attention The End