Affordable Care Act
March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law.
Provisions Requires most US citizens and legal residents to have health insurance. Create state-based American Health Benefit Exchanges through which individuals and businesses can purchase coverage Those w/o coverage pay a tax penalty of the greater of $695 per year to 2.5% of household income up to $2085 . (Challenged in SC – upheld) Employers w/ 50 or more full time employers that did not previously offer coverage received tax credit of $2000 per employee Employers w/ more than 200 employees must automatically enroll employees in health coverage; employees may opt out
Provisions Expand Medicaid to ppl under 65 w/ incomes up to 133% FPL based on AGI (undocumented immigrants not eligible) (Challenged in SC – struck down) Small businesses w/ fewer than 25 employees and average wages of less than $50,000 that purchase health insurance through their jobs receive tax credit of 35 – 50% of employers contribution Impose excise tax on insurers of employer sponsored health plans with values that exceed $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage – 40% of value of plan that exceeds threshold amount
Provisions New fees on pharmaceutical manufacturing sector Annual fee on health insurance sector Excise tax of 2.3% on sale of any medical device 10% tax on indoor tanning services Create Health Exchanges Permit states to prohibit plans in the Exchange from providing coverage for abortion Require all qualified health plans offer 10 “essential health benefits” Provide dependent coverage for all children up to age 26
Provisions Increase taxes on individuals making over $200,000 / year to 2.35% and married couples making $250,000 year 3.8% (raised approximately 1%)
Was Congress justified in passing the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act? Reference: Affordable Care Act Provisions Research: – Search for “Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Good for America” Read: Top 10 Pros and Cons Did you know? Read: Essential Health Benefits Read: Constitution Article 1 Sections 8 & 9 (A-12-14) Prepare: Your opinion and top three reasons supporting your opinion – ½ page Prepare: 3 questions you would ask someone w/ opposite view to lead them to change their mind
Is capital punishment cruel and unusual punishment? Reference:; search for death peanalty; read arguments on BOTH sides Prepare: Your opinion and top three reasons supporting your opinion Prepare: 3 questions you would ask someone w/ opposite view to lead them to change their mind