Communications Division 2015 Highlights Prince Edward Island Communications Division 2015 Highlights
Communications PEI CPEI is government’s full-service communications agency with a mandate to ensure Islanders are well informed and understand what their government is doing and why. The agency is organized into three areas: Corporate Communications includes departmental communications, corporate & Island Information Services Creative Services includes graphic design, photography, multi-media & translation Document Publishing includes printing & mail sorting / delivery.
Services Corporate Communications The Corporate Communications team provides strategic counsel & support to the Premier, Ministers and departments which includes: editing / issuing media releases & advisories on behalf of government; managing the government’s social media presence; creating corporate backgrounders / communications materials; logistical and communications support for legislative briefings, news conferences, special events and during storms and emergencies. The Departmental Communications team provides support to their respective departments and ministers by: developing key messaging; news releases; media relations; speeches; web content; issues management; communication plans; advertising plans / budgets; event plans; legislative BNs & plans.
Creative services Translation The Creative Services team provides visual communication expertise to government departments. Services include: graphic design; exhibits and displays; signage; illustration; photography; multimedia and video. This team also oversees the government’s Visual Identity Standards. Translation Provides professional English-to-French translation services to government departments & agencies. From translation to proofreading and terminology services, Communications PEI’s team of professional translators enables the delivery of information and communication in French. Translation services are called upon by government for a wide range of material, including: Brochures; application forms; website content; signage; reports; advertisements; correspondence; speeches; and news releases.
Queens Printer Provides printing services to government departments, including the Legislative Assembly. Publish Royal Gazette weekly and manage production projects for departments such as property tax statements, variable data publishing with Education and Tourism clients Mail Provides mail sorting & delivery services to government offices across the province. Letter insertion service for mail outreach initiatives.
Print volumes decreasing although demand is strong for printed reports, brochures and program marketing materials. Health promotions, student assessments and student Apprenticeship learning module books have expanded in 2015. Postal Services distributed new license plates with custom registration pocket window Envelopes for license plate renewals.
Staff turnover from retirement and relocation necessitates cross training and knowledge sharing. Equipment renewal process is in progress for digital color and black digital presses.
Organizational Charts
Deputy Minister Paul Ledwell Assistant Deputy Minister Krista Grant Manager Document Publishing Centre Michael Fagan Printing Operations PEI Mail Admin Support Carol Knockwood Manager Creative Services Marc Dagenais Translation Web / Graphic Design AV / Video Jenna Ranahan Manager Corporate Communications Jean Doherty Corporate Communications Departmental Communications Island Information Services Sr Policy Analyst Ivan MacArthur
Assistant Deputy Minister Manager Document Publishing Centre Krista Grant Manager Document Publishing Centre Michael Fagan Printing Operations Print Prod'n Andrea MacRae Digital Imaging Paula Mullen Stacy Jenkins Vacant Bindery Operator Mary Ellen Robertson PEI Mail Mail Supervisor Wally Somers Mail Operator Edith Robertson Mail Operator Matt Judson Admin Support Carol Knockwood Document Publishing Centre
Awareness, Utilization, Satisfaction and Improvement Survey Results Awareness, Utilization, Satisfaction and Improvement
Survey Sample 75 of 238 responded Departmental ministers, senior managers and their closest support staff Communications PEI staff not included Directors and Admin Assistants represented 58% of responders.
12 Services Surveyed Advertising Document Printing Services Island Information Services Translation Services AV Equipment Rental Graphic Design Photography Video Production Communication Officer Services Inter-Office Mail and Postal Services Social Media Web Design and Support
Awareness Highlights When “High” and “Very High” level of awareness combined: All services had greater than 38% awareness level
Awareness Services with highest level of awareness: Communication Officers Inter-Office Mail and Postal Services Document Publishing Services (>65% for these three services).
Utilization Highlights Highest rate of utilization Above 77% of respondents Communication Officers Inter-Office Mail and Postal Services Document Publishing Services Lowest rate of utilization Under 50% of respondents AV Equipment Rental Social Media Web Design and Support Video Production
Satisfaction All services attained a satisfaction level of greater than 85% 10 services attained a satisfaction level of greater than 90%
What Works Well (38 comments) 15 comments were positive about communications officers and their role. 12 comments were complimentary: document publishing graphic design translations services Advertising mail services IIS AV support web support. Some comments were complimentary to the integrated Comms PEI model. Some comments referred to the responsive and knowledgeable CPEI staff.
What Needs Improvement (41 comments) 9 comments related to lack of knowledge about CPEI’s service offerings. 10 comments related to turn over of communication officers, inconsistency in communication support offered departments and the variety of skill sets among communication resources.
What Needs Improvement (41 comments) Some comments related to need for better interdepartmental coordination and strategic approaches. Some comments related to improved understanding of budgeting and billing around items like advertising.
What Needs Improvement (41 comments) Some comments were aimed at improving social media and web services. A few comments related to role clarity around such items as translation services and communications officers.
Suggestions for Improvement (23 comments) 8 comments related to the need for CPEI to better promote and market its services. A few comments related to maintaining stability and increasing skill sets of communication resources assigned to departments.
Suggestions for Improvement (23 comments) A few comments related to common processes related to maintaining repositories of information, communicating approval structures, introducing new communications officer to department, etc.
Suggestions for Improvement (23 comments) One comment related to better access to Media Room. Some comments relate to a desire for greater communication resources at HPEI and in Summerside (EECD)
Summary Overall the survey results were positive for CPEI Not surprisingly some services awareness and utilization of certain services is greater than others
Summary Results indicate need for CPEI to better market its services Results indicate need to better communicate some of CPEIs processes
Questions Comments