NODC Lew Abrams (UNCW), Scientist/Educator John Antonov (NODC), Tool Specialist/Data Specialist Erin Bardar (TERC), Curriculum Developer Mark Hafen (USF), Scientist/Educator Pat Muller (McNary H.S.), Educator Tom Ryan (NODC), Facilitator Yongsheng Zhang (NODC), Data Specialist
Is Sea Level Rising? Data Sets: Data Tools Global sea level anomalies from satellite altimetry, thermosteric anomalies, & sub-surface heat content from in-situ observations Data Tools Ocean Data View Excel
Vision of Completed Activity Case Study: Impact of sea level rise in Tuvalu & low-lying Pacific atolls Students compare time series data of overall sea level rise and thermosteric sea level rise Use Ocean Data View to explore spatial and temporal distribution of sea level anomalies and temperature, seasonal and long-term variability in sea level, & compare sea level anomaly data with heat content data at depths up to 700 m along any ocean transect