ReCAP Data Part 4: EDD (Electronic Document Delivery) Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator August 2011 ReCAP Columbia University
EDD (Electronic Document Delivery) There are two types of delivery from ReCAP: physical delivery and EDD EDD is a value added service provided to Columbia University Libraries patrons .pdf scans are made of journal articles and book chapters EDD is limited to only patrons with borrowing privileges (implemented 8/22/11) Detailed information for staff can be found on the ReCAP EDD website ReCAP Columbia University
How to Place an EDD Request Patrons can request an electronic copy of a single journal article or book chapter (up to 10% of a work) Place an EDD request via CLIO. Requesting Offsite Items for Viewing Online (01:31) A complete citation is required The electronic document will remain accessible on the server for fourteen days If scan not possible, physical item will be delivered to the owning library circulation desk and held for two weeks ReCAP Columbia University
Physical Delivery vs. EDD EDDs have accounted for 6.4% of all requests Physical delivery has been begun leveling off in past 3 years EDD volume had been declining per capita since FY06 due to accessibility of electronic backfiles In January 2009, Health Sciences Library began transferring serial collections Requests rose quickly both in aggregate and in proportion to physical delivery ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
Monthly EDD Requests by Type Physical delivery requests are in phase with the academic calendar EDD requests are not clearly in phase Physical delivery has steadily increased since ReCAP opened in 2002 EDD trends have been erratic Volume increased FY02-FY06, held steady FY07-FY09, dramatically increased in FY09 and then subsequently declined ReCAP Columbia University
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ReCAP Columbia University
Impact of HSL Transfers In January 2009, Health Sciences Library began transferring large volumes of serials to ReCAP High-use titles were transferred first Thousands more titles are waiting to be transferred Request volume has declined for HSL materials since early 2009 ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University
Patron Usage in FY11 5,333 total EDD requests in FY11 1,081 patrons Average of 3.2 EDD requests per patron Physical Delivery 66,180 requests 7,912 patrons Average of 8.4 requests per patron ReCAP Columbia University
More Data Available More information about data sets can be found on the ReCAP Data Center website Primary data categories include: accession, retrieval, delivery and circulation Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systems ReCAP Columbia University