Taxonomy Mr. Young Biology
Taxonomy The branch of biology that names and groups organisms according to their characteristics and evolutionary history
Aristotle Greek philosopher First to classify organisms
Aristotle Grouped animals by where they lived: land, air, water
Aristotle Grouped plants by their stems Not effective: organisms vary area to area
Carolus Linnaeus – Swedish naturalist 1700’s Organized organisms according to form and structure (morphology) System we use today
7 different levels of organization Kingdom-2 kingdoms plant and animal (now we have 6) Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species – can have offspring together Kids Play Cards On Funny Green Spaceships
Binomial nomenclature – the 2 part name of an organism The first part is the genus The second part is the species identifier Use Latin Capitalize Genus Lowercase the species Ex. Homo sapiens Genus – Homo species - sapiens
Subspecies Variations of species in different geographic areas or varieties Pit-bull, Boxer, German Shepard, Dalmatian All are Dogs
Now Taxonomist use an organisms phylogeny (evolutionary history) to classify it Linnaeus used morphology (body Shape) Most of his findings still relevant today
Systematic Taxonomy – evidence for classification Phylogenetic tree – family tree that show the evolutionary relationships
Systematic Taxonomy – evidence for classification Fossil record – usually incomplete
Systematic Taxonomy – evidence for classification Morphology- more homologous structures the closer the relationship
Systematic Taxonomy – evidence for classification Embryological patterns of development-early patterns in embryos -
Systematic Taxonomy – evidence for classification Chromosomes – compare DNA
5 Kingdoms Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Examples Taxonomy House cat Mountain lion Domestic dog Human Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Specie Animalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Felis domesticus concolor Canidae Canis familiaris Primate Hominidae Homo sapiens
1. In your words what is Taxonomy? Grouping and naming organisms
2. What do you call the system of giving organisms two names? Binomial nomenclature
3. On What basis did Linneaus classify organisms? Morphology
4. What is more specific the kingdom or specie? species
5. What language are taxonomic names given in ? Latin
6. What is binomial nomenclature for dogs? Canis familiaris
7. Which two organisms are most closely related How do you know? Cat and Mountain Lion Most taxonomy terms the same
8. Give the order, family, genus and specie for humans Order - Primate Family- Hominidae Genus – Homo Specie - sapiens
9. Where have we heard the word ”Hominidae” before? Study of human evolution
Common names Bovine - cows Canine - dogs Equine - horse Feline - house cat Homo - human Panthera - big cats