Common Core Implementation in the Classroom
You know you are in trouble when…..
You are standing in front of the class and lecturing over 40% of the class time
Students are not engaged during guided practice or no guided practice.
The chairs are in a straight row.
The overhead projector / smart board is your main presentation mode (only one learning style is addressed).
The lesson is not student oriented (less teacher talk)
One word answer is the standard mode of student response
No problems are being solved
No vocabulary introduced/integrated
No products or evidence are apparent to indicate that students have learned the concept.
Only pencil and paper assessments are used.
Levels of questions are on the knowledge level (over 15%)
No application to real life situations to the concept or skill being taught.
No essential question demonstrated/known to the teacher or to the students or to the observer.
No comprehension skills demonstrated in content areas (science-social studies)
The ELA content used is over 50% fiction
No linkage of the skills/content to other grades, academic disciplines
The textbook guides what is being taught (beginning of the book to the end-taught sequentially)
No use of themes in the texts/lessons
Not teaching the identified skills outlined from the Standard Course of Study
Not doing cumulative review daily
When basic mathematical practices are not implemented
When writing is not taking place in all classrooms
When students are not working collaboratively to reach a goal/answer an essential question
When technology is not being integrated across the disciplines