Key focus = compare poverty and social exclusion Applying material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate the view that the term social exclusion is a more meaningful way of understanding deprivation than poverty. (20 marks) Item A It was estimated by the Office for National Statistics that 14 million people in the UK were at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2011. In comparison with other EU countries on a range of poverty indicators, the UK is close to the European average. lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society= in short a lack of something/ things. Mark Description 17-20 Sound conceptually detailed K of a range of material. Very good understanding of the question and the item. Item applied accurately and excellent understanding of the question. 13-16 Accurate but incomplete K+U Applies the item correctly, though some K+U associated with it may lack some focus. Some limited A+E 9-12 Largely accurate K+U, but limited in range e.g. focussed on only a few issues Evaluation may just compare points Targets – Must quote from the item in each paragraph Interpretation of the question – can be interpreted in 1 of 2 ways – Say that deprivation is more important than poverty (harder) Say that social exclusion is better than poverty (easier) Key focus = compare poverty and social exclusion
Q2. Identify two groups in society who are more likely to be living in poverty than others and outline the reasons why this might be. (10 marks) 8-10 marks Good knowledge and understanding+ 2 pieces of relevant material applied + appropriate analysis. 1 paragraph on each group + specific reasons identified e.g. the elderly- more likely to be poor if relying solely on a state pension, living in a rural area etc. Analysis = poverty amongst this group has dropped significantly following the New Labour push on eliminating pensioner poverty. Analysis = people likelihood increased if they fall into multiple groups (intersectionality) e.g. single, female, pensioner and also lives in a rural area. 4-7 marks Reasonable knowledge and understanding + 1 or 2 pieces of relevant material + basic analysis 1-3 marks Limited knowledge and understanding + limited focus on the question + no analysis No mark for no relevant points. Groups Working families with children Women Single parents The low paid Some ethnic minority groups People living in rural areas Coastal areas The elderly The unemployed
State pension age increase Q3. Outline and explain two ways in which government policies may have increased the number of people living in poverty. (10 marks) Welfare reform act – (benefit cap, replacement of DLA with PIP, bedroom tax, Universal credit) State pension age increase Child benefit cap (if earning over £60,000 don’t get anything) Reduction in bursary/ tuition fees Marks Level descriptors 8-10 Will show v.good K+U of the reasons for the decline in permanent full time work in the UK. There will be two applications of relevant material There will be appropriate analysis e.g. 4-7 There will be one or two applications of relevant material There will be some basic analysis 1-3 Will show limited K+U and understanding of the question. Limited focus on the Q – may drift from focus of question. Limited or no analysis.