Online Tools and Documents RESEARCH PAPER Online Tools and Documents will be used multiple times throughout the course of the writing process. Submission to is NOT an option. Items required in will only be graded through – NO exceptions. Due “times” are all the same – 4pm on the due date. Items for submission to T-notes (unless changed to Gaggle Homework Dropbox) Outline Rough Draft Working Works Cited Final Draft (w/ Works Cited) Log in to now. If you cannot, please alert the teacher immediately. Save your information into your phone if you have not already done so. Feel free to change your email to an email that you more regularly use instead of your “Gaggle” email address. This is a great tool for transporting your electronic work to and from home and school – “Digital Locker.” This eliminates the need for a flash drive. If the formatting of the T-notes does not allow for submission to, students will be submitting all of their T-notes as one document to the “Homework Dropbox” option. Log in w/ Email address is different. Please see me if you need your actual Gaggle email address. Every student in FBISD has a Gaggle email w/ enrollment. See me if you need this.
Email Policy Per the Student Handbook: “Students should not use the computer system to send, receive or store any information, including email messages, that they consider personal or confidential and wish to keep private. All electronic files, including email messages, transmitted through or stored in the District computer system and networks will be treated no differently than any other electronic file. The District reserves the right to access, review, copy, modify, delete or disclose.”
What does the email policy mean for you? Students may now access Yahoo!, Gmail, or any other email source outside of Gaggle to transport and receive SCHOOL APPROPRIATE emails on any FBISD campus computer. If you send or receive anything that might be questionable, the email can be confiscated, and you can be punished for the infraction. Requirement of the research paper: Students will only use the THS database “Opposing Viewpoints” as a resource of online information. 3 separate articles/sources are required. If you have exhausted all of your options during tutorial time w/ the teacher, then and only then can alternate websites be used. Alternate websites will need to be verified with your teacher. Copy this website address to the top of your instruction page now. If want to access the databases at home, you will need to use the password --------. Write this word at the top of your instruction page now. Go to the website now and find the following items: MLA template T-note template Link for online databases (different from the “how to” link) Write this website at the top of your research paper instruction page now. All information for the research paper is under the “Writing” page. All information posted here is generic. Any specific information for any specific teacher needs to be found at the teacher’s website. Go to the website now and find the following items: Instruction packet (multiple pages of differing information) Research calendar Link to the Library Weebly Research paper Pwpt
Teacher Website Your specific teacher has documents specified for your particular class on the THS website. While all English II students will publish the research paper on February 15th, the steps in the due dates and carrying out of the chosen steps in the process may differ from class to class and teacher to teacher. Find your teacher’s website by visiting the THS website – follow any specific instruction in locating the research materials on the website.
“Opposing Viewpoints” Database Remember: The research paper must be supported by authorized documents which are accessible only through the library issued “Opposing Viewpoints.” Any website(s) used from outside of the required database will not be considered as a viable “substitute” source. Alternative websites must be verified with the teacher. However, these are the exceptions, not the rule. Go to the Library Weebly and find again the database instructions. Log into the “Opposing Viewpoints” database. Off campus? Remember the password?