Lesson #1: Introduction to MLA format This is your 40% assignment! Pay attention! Junior English PPT by Guidorizzi
You are NOT writing a research paper this semester. 40% Overview Enhance you writing skills Learn the research portion of your Junior Research Paper Work on finding reliable sources Write a Works Cited Summarize information Find facts and quotes and cite them You are NOT writing a research paper this semester.
MLA Format: Page Set Up Font: Times New Roman Size: 12 pt Margins: 1 inch Spacing: Double Paragraph: Line Spacing: Double
Works Cited Format Cont. Double Spaced Microsoft 2003: Format Paragraph Indents and Spacing Tab Line Spacing (select Double) Microsoft 2007: Home May need to select “Remove Spacing” options if there is extra spacing after paragraphs Select 2.0 (Double Spacing)
MLA Format: Header Running header: name and page # in top right-hand corner of every page (Rich 1) Double click on top inch of paper Home: Right Justify (type on the right side) Type your last name and then space Insert page # Insert Page Number Current Position Plain number
MLA Format: Heading Your information at the top left side Only on the first page of paper Name Teacher’s name Class and period Date (written: day month year) EXAMPLE: Billy Jones Ms. Guidorizzi Junior English Period 2 15 August 2010 MLA
Unless instructed otherwise, MLA applies for all assignments. MLA Format: Paper Title is Centered on first line of paper Times New Roman, 12 pt font No bold, No italics, No underline Paragraphs are double spaced Indent new paragraphs No extra spaces between paragraphs Works Cited is separate page Last page of paper Unless instructed otherwise, MLA applies for all assignments.
MLA Format
Works Cited See , even teachers cite their sources. Owl at Purdue, The. 2009. The Writing Lab & The Owl at Purdue and Purdue University. Web. 19 May 2009. See , even teachers cite their sources.