Research Paper MLA Format 8E Mrs. McGuire 2017
Why? Student View Make Students Miserable Too Long for What Teacher View Practice all language & grammar knowledge True example of student’s writing ability Learn to search, Organize, and report Learn about valuable and reliable sources Reference books, periodicals, indexes, encyclopedias, and internet sources Be informed people in order to make sound decisions Student View Make Students Miserable Too Long for What When Will I use this
Steps to writing a Research Paper Select a subject Read a general article to gain knowledge and generate questions Formulate a temporary thesis and Preliminary outline Locate Sources and prepare Bibliography cards Inventory findings to ensure enough data has been located Revise the outline Write Rough Draft Revise Rough draft (Move, delete, add) Type Final copy Prepare works Cited page Edit paper for errors (Spelling, punct.) Assemble and submit Steps to writing a Research Paper
Step: Select Subject must be Narrow - rule of thumb (if there is a book written on the subject, it is too broad.) Each source must provide just a tidbit of information Piece together your findings Must be suitable, feasible, and interesting
Selecting a Subject Real LIfe Academic Comes out of necessity Which new phone to buy Which new washing machine to buy Where do I want to vacation Cheapest flight Fulfill course requirements Get degree Get passing grade Teacher assigned
Two types of research papers Evaluative Select, organize, document, analyze, interpret, and Apply your findings Non-Evaluative Select, organize, and document Present facts
Step : Preliminary Reading Jot down questions (may be used as Roman numerals on outline] Help with research and define your limits Questions unanswered show gaps in research
Great Preliminary Sources Passwords Passwords Passwords Username: eastbernard Password: eastbernard Username: ebernard Password: ebernard Username: eastbernard Password: eastbernard
Step: Temporary Thesis & Preliminary OUtline These two things are essential. They will keep you focused. Without them, your research will be aimless and haphazard. Pleas remember that these MAY require revising as you get deeper into the research.
Topic OUTLINE Specifications Major Divisions – Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, etc.) Must have at last 3 major divisions Introduction Body Conclusion Most Have 5 divisions
Topic OUTLINE BASIC RULES No Sentences Pairs Capitalization Each topic /Subtopic with capital letter Otherwise capitalize only proper nouns & Adjectives Don’t use period at end of topic Single words Phrases Parallel Can’t be 1 w/o 2 Can’t Be A w/o B After that can be odd TITLE OF THE OUTLINE IS THE SAME AS THE RESEARCH PAPER. DON”T USE THE WORD OUTLINE!!!!! CENTER ON THE PAGE. AN OUTLINE IS RIGIDLY LINED UP. WORD PROCESSORS HAVE OUTLINE FEATURE.
CAN BE CHANGED IF YOUR RESEARCH CHANGES DIRECTION Temporary Thesis Definition – a single, clear-cut summarizing sentence stating the central and controlling idea or thought of the research paper. The major point the writer wants to make. CAN BE CHANGED IF YOUR RESEARCH CHANGES DIRECTION
Thesis BASIC RULES Single sentence statement No! No! Location Single sentence Can include prep. Phrases and other modifiers Notice capitalization Do not use First person pronouns (Too informal) Appears on outline page Usually not written in paper; however can be used in introductory paragraph Examples: Thesis statement: The Bible, a best seller as a wok of literature, is a book quite perfect in structure and form. Example: Thesis statement: John Masefield, Poet Laureate of England, novelist, playwright, military and nautical historian of the twentieth century, has left his indelible mark upon English literature.