Shakespearean Grammar Practice Get a whiteboard, a marker and a tissue to erase!
Syllables It was important for Shakespeare to know how many syllables in each word so he could make sure each line had 10 syllables How figure out syllables How many times can you clap while you say the word? How many vowels does it have? Example…3 vowels so ex/am/ple
Secretary Sec/ret/ar/y
Baseball Base/ball
love Love
Contractions This is when an apostrophe is used to either combine two words Take letters out of a word to make it shorter
‘Twere It were
Ne’er Never
O’er Over
E’en Even
‘tis and is’t It is Is it
‘twill It will
Truncations When a word is shortened by removing letters, usually from the end of the word
Ope open
oft often
Adding accents Accents show which part of a word should be stressed For example, Beyoncé has an accent over it to show that the e should be pronounced…otherwise her name would be BE-YONS Banished = Banishéd Punished = punishéd This is done to give words an extra syllable so they fit with the pattern of Iambic Pentameter
SEC/re/tar/y Sec/RE/tar/y Sec/re/TAR/y
LIND/say Lind/SAY
balance BAL/ance
Rearranging Grammar He had to mess with Grammar to make the rhythm correct Instead of “He went to school before the sun was up” he’d write “to school ‘fore the day was dawn he travelled”
I would not for the world they saw thee here! For all the world, I would not have them see you here!
By whose direction found’st thou out this place? Who gave you directions to find this place?
Changing endings Adding –est, -th, -st to the end of the word is the same as adding an s or es This was just the way they talked!
Doth Does
Hath Has
Hearest hears
Quoth quotes
Fall’st Falls
Whither Where
Hither Here
Thither there
Wilt Will
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