Reminders 10/10/17 Vocab Quiz 8 – Thursday, 10/12 (Early Release Day) Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns (by Khaled Hosseini) by Monday, October 16 – that’s this Monday! **Coming up: This Friday, Oct. 13 – In Class Essay test for Othello next Monday, Oct. 16 – Othello Unit Test – M.C.
pSat tips
Kahoot practice Unit 8
Essay Prep Reminders/What do I Need to Know about Essay Prep Cruelty Prompt – grade thesis & claims Discuss HW (Prep Part 1) Prep, Part 2 – thesis and claim practice
What do I need to know about essay test Timed – you have the whole class period, but that is all. You cannot come back after school, in the morning, or stay during your lunch period. You may bring ONE page of notes, your Othello/Iago charts, and your handouts from the prep days (2 of them) Your ONE page of notes cannot include pre-written paragraphs or other essays. The ONE page of notes can include Draft of thesis and claims vocab words to use in essay focused evidence
Reminders Citing lines from Othello (be sure you have that information for every piece of evidence) Lead-Ins/Context (Practice)
Lead-ins There are 3 different types of lead-ins: Somebody said lead-in Blended lead-in Sentence lead-in The lead-in links the quotation to what surrounds it in the context of the paper. If the quote is just dropped in to a sentence with a proper lead-in it is called a dropped quote. Do NOT use dropped quotes in your writing. Dropped quote example: Leonato is a very caring person; he tries to make things happen in relationships. “Well niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband (Shakespeare 20).
Somebody Says Lead-in This type of lead-in is most frequently used, but be careful to not overuse it. The author’s name is used to introduce the quote. Examples: Jane M. Agee comments, “Many students who would not have attempted college even seven years ago are not coming into universities through junior colleges” (10). The messenger says, “He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion” (Shakespeare, V.ii.35-36). In a play, the somebody says lead-in should note the same of the speaker of the quote.
Blended Lead-in Blended lead-ins provide flexibility to the writer. The writer chooses the part of the quote necessary for his paper and blends it smoothly into the rest of the sentence. Example: State universities are serving a broader student population than ever before by admitting students from junior colleges and through “special remedial programs where students who do not meet entrance requirements are admitted on probation” (Agee 10).
Sentence Lead-in A sentence lead-in is an effective lead-in where the sentence prior to the quote leads directly to the following sentence. It is almost an introduction to the quote. Examples: Agee insists that English instruction on the college level will not be improved until educations examine the situation realistically: “Public school teachers, professors of English Education, students, and state leaders need to sit down together and evaluate the current realities before any real progress can be made” (10). Beatrice constantly looks down on Benedick and degrades him with her quick wit: “Scratching could not make it worse and it were such a face as yours were” (Shakespeare 14).
Examples of Lead-ins Somebody Says: Blended: Argues Maintains Believes Presents Claims Remarks Concludes Shows Defends Suggests Disputes Establishes Illustrates Questions For instance… According to the text… From the reading… The author provides… The author concludes that…
Practice w/Prompts With your group, read the prompt on the next slide In your own words, what is the prompt asking you to write about? Write a theme of the play that addresses CRUELTY. (What is Shakespeare saying about cruelty in the play) After your group writes one, let’s look at some samples of thesis statements and claims in response to the prompt.
Othello – Cruelty Practice Prompt In literary works, cruelty often functions as a crucial motivation or a major social or political factor. The Tragedy of Othello is a play in which acts of cruelty are important to the theme. Write a well-developed essay analyzing how cruelty functions in the work as a whole and what the cruelty reveals about the perpetrator and/or victim.
Sample #1 Iago’s cruel plot for revenge against Othello shows how far a person will go in order to achieve what they believe is right. Claim #1: Iago’s plot originated because he believed he deserved the position of Lieutenant to Othello, the Moorish general. Claim #2: The cruel nature of Iago’s plan becomes more expansive when he involves both his wife, Emilia and Othello’s wife, Desdemona, in driving Othello mad. Claim #3: Iago’s cruelty transfers to others in acts 4 and 5 of the play, as people begin to falsely accuse each other and kill for no reason. 7 on a 0-9 scale rubric
Sample #2 Cruelty to women and female characters in Othello does more than demonstrate gender inequality – it also highlights the shallow values of the male perpetrators like Othello, Iago, and Cassio, providing deeper insight into Shakespeare’s work. Claim #1: Undoubtedly, the most glaring example of cruelty and submissiveness of women in the play is the fractured relationship between Othello and his wife Desdemona. Claim #2: The heinous Iago also brazenly mistreats his own wife, Emilia, which then shows the reader Iago’s true values: he only cares about reputation. Claim #3: Cassio himself is rather cruel to his female counterparts of sorts, Bianca. 9 on a 0-9 scale rubric
Sample #3 In the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare, cruelty is inflicted in various ways on various characters by Iago. In this case cruelty is both a social factor as well as political. Claim #1: In a sense, Iago is instilling cruelty as a political facilitator against Lieutenant Cassio because Iago desperately wants his position. Claim #2: To begin, Iago plants seeds of jealousy, “the green-eyed monster” in Othello’s head, who Iago tells his wife Desdemona is having an affair with Lieutenant Cassio. Claim #3: Iago facilitates all scenarios to be on his side so that in the end he’ll be lieutenant and Othello will be forever grateful to him. 6 on a 0-9 scale rubric
Sample #4 Through manipulative lies and maneuvers Iago’s evil personality reveals his true motives. Claim #1: From the moment Michael Cassio is chosen as lieutenant Iago wants revenge. Iago begins by destroying Othello’s trust in Cassio. Iago’s cruelty and motivation to destroy Cassio and Othello propels the entire play. 5 on a 0-9 scale rubric
Sample #5 In literature, many antagonists are cruel for their own selfish reasons. In Othello the play by William Shakespeare, Iago is cruel to Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello mostly for political gain. This relates to the theme of betrayal. Claim 1: Iago’s main target is the title character of Othello. Claim 2: Iago hates Othello because he gave a military position that Iago thought he deserved away to Cassio, so naturally Cassio will be a victim too. Claim 3: Cassio’s downfall is not enough for Iago, his plan must end with Othello’s demise. 3 on a 0-9 rubric
Sample #6 In Othello, by William Shakespeare, a potent combination of resentment and security drives cruelty throughout its five acts, ultimately crushing the most redeeming virtues of its characters. Claim #1: The most extensive instance of cruelty in the play comes from Iago, Othello’s duplicitous ensign. Claim #2: Yet, considering cruelty to be a learned or provoked response to our society, readers see Iago’s cruelty spread and multiply. Claim #3: However, while Shakespeare demonstrates the infectious nature of cruelty, he most powerfully displays its potential for irreparable destruction. 8 on a 0-9 sale rubric
Sample #7 In the play, “Othello” by William Shakespeare, Iago acts as an agent of evil to manipulate other characters and reveal the nature of evil in humanity. Claim #1: Iago wants Cassio’s title of lieutenant because he believes Cassio is unqualified and he is jealous that Othello promoted Cassio and not him. Claim #2: However, Othello’s tragic flaw is his inability to see the truth because he is blinded by jealousy, a product of Iago’s manipulation. 4 on a 0-9 scale rubric
Hamlet Soliloquy Film Comparison
Directed by and starring Laurence Olivier (1948) What does zooming in on Hamlet’s brain suggest about the “To be” soliloquy? The speech is delivered partly in voiceover and partly aloud. What is the effect of this? How does the setting, on the castle ramparts above the sea, contribute to the film’s interpretation of the soliloquy?
Directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh (1996) Hamlet delivers his soliloquy to his reflection in the mirror. What does this suggest about the speech? The mirror is a double mirror, with Claudius and Polonius watching from the other side. What does this suggest? Branagh’s version is the only one of these three to place “To be” where it occurs in the text, in the midst of the “nunnery scene” in which Claudius and Polonius spy on him as he berates Ophelia. What difference does this make?
Directed by Michael Almereyda; starring Ethan Hawke (2000) How does the setting, a Blockbuster store, contribute to the film’s interpretation of the soliloquy? More specifically, how does Hamlet’s placement in the “Action” aisle comment on the speech? Hamlet speaks aloud to himself in a public place. What is the effect of this, especially in contrast to Olivier’s and Branagh’s treatments?
Activator – Select three sentences starters and reflect on our film analysis exercise. I learned… I realized… I noticed… I hope… I was reminded… I felt… I was surprised… It would have been better if… Next time…
Review of CEI Claims: Evidence: Interpretation: