Standards SS6G8 The student will locate selected features of Europe. a. Locate on a world and regional political- physical map: the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps, Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, and Scandinavian Peninsula. b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. © 2014 Brain Wrinkles
Europe Map Key Scandinavian Peninsula Russia Ural Mountains ^^^ Poland I. Political Features: Label the following countries on the map: Portugal Spain France Italy United Kingdom Belgium Ukraine Russia Poland Germany II. Physical Features: Create a map key that includes symbols for: Mountains Rivers Seas Channels Peninsulas Plains Label the following physical features: Rhine River Danube River Alps Pyrenees Mountains Ural Mountains English Channel Scandinavian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea European Plain Draw the symbol for each feature next to the correct label on the map. Color all symbols! Scandinavian Peninsula Russia Ural Mountains ^^^ United Kingdom Poland English Channel Belgium Ukraine Germany France Danube River Rhine River Iberian Peninsula ALPS ^^^ Map Key Portugal Italy European Plain Spain Pyrenees Mts Mediterranean Sea © 2014 Brain Wrinkles
Roll A Six! You will work with a partner, with only 1 pencil to share. When I say “Go”, one person will begin labeling the map as fast as you can. The other person should start rolling the dice. As soon as you roll a 6, you take the pencil and begin labeling your map. Your partner should start rolling the dice now. This is a race to see who can complete the map first, but the catch is you can only label your map if you roll a 6! © 2014 Brain Wrinkles