Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development Priority Action Area 1: Advancing policy
(Please list a number of concrete expected results.) My GAP commitment Expected results: Education Sector Policy on ESD Developed (whose process has already started); ESD Policy guidelines Developed; Education Sector ESD Policy Systematically developed and initiated into educational institutions; ESD Mainstreamed into curriculum (Kenyan curriculum is now in the process of being reformed). (Please list a number of concrete expected results.) Achieving the Vision 2030 social development and economic growth goals is dependent on a broad base of capable, literate, numerate, confident and motivated citizens. The overall goal is for learners to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to participate effectively in the Kenyan society and economy. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) will undertake to have in place a harmonized National Curriculum Policy Framework spanning all Basic Education grades that is unified, integrated and inclusive. The NCPF will give appropriate weight to the place for the delivery of social competencies and values within the curriculum. These will be delivered through the sub-themes of: (i) Life Skills Education; (ii) Peace Education; (iii) Guidance and Counselling; (iv) HIV and AIDS; and (v) Education for Sustainable Development. KICD will develop curriculum guidelines for the delivery of social competencies and values within its programme of curriculum revision following the approval of the NCPF. The MoEST Directorates of Pre-Primary and Primary, and Secondary Education are jointly undertaking the establishment of the structure and processes for development of a National Teacher Development Policy Framework for presentation to the Cabinet Secretary. The Working Group will give appropriate weight to the place for the pedagogies associated with the delivery of social competencies and values within the curriculum. The Lead MoEST Directorate will develop pedagogy guidelines for the delivery of social competencies and values within its programme of professional development for teachers of basic Education.
How to reach the expected results: My GAP commitment How to reach the expected results: Identification of appropriate Human Resource – Constitution of Technical and Steering committees to spearhead the development and implementation process; Seek Partnership with stakeholders and development partners to source for financial and technical assistance; Consultation and Ownership and; Advance collaboration and networking. The constitution of the Technical Working Group to steer ESD initiatives will be inclusively achieved through consultation in order to draw diverse skills and experiences, build consensus and increase ownership. My Ministry is geared towards enhanced networks and alliances to build synergy and cooperation between diverse partners. The ESD coordination efforts and resource mobilization will be enhanced because they are key strategies to this process hence need for embedment by the private sector, development partners and civil society networks to enable the benefits of ESD to trickle down to local and grass root levels.