Youth Support Project, ESF conference Vilnius November 14. 2013 Open College and Guidance Center are the activities of Youth Support Project (2010-2014) administrated by the North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium. Project`s target group: 15-24-year old unemployed North Karelians Funding: Guidance Center 2,2 milj. € Open College 1,9 milj. € The project is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).
Youth Support`s goals: to offer possibilities to VET or work experience and gain every day life skills to develop the functions of guidance and conselling e.g. dialogical counselling as well as Open Vocational College to avoid marginalization and social exlusion of young people Actions: North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium: Counselling and Guidance center and Open College Joensuu City, Youth workshop: Starttiverstas (low level individual coaching)
Corner stones: Counselling and Guidance Center (CGC) Starting point survey, sector guidance, recognition and clarification of individual obstacles Valuntary confidential counselling Career counselling and supported transfers to education (transitions) Expertise on counselling, knowledge of the educational structure and qualifications, and methodical know-how Networks and partnerships Flexible transition to open college or other services Open College Individual, functional and alternative studies, learning by doing, individual length and content (also short-term study periods) Implementation as labour political education Permanent co-operation between Open College and CGC helps to make realistic plans for the future (PSP) Non-stop student intake Studies are identificated in future studies in VET or adult education personal guidance and support is offered constantly with CGC Community based work orientation → active participation of the young Shared responsibility→ diverse knowledge, better coping at work
Joint application system Counselling Center Supporting the young to active participation Open college and counselling centers process chart Non-stop flexible and supported counselling Becoming acquinted with the services Counselling side by side Evaluating and developing of the project Joint application system Starting point survey Guidance to other services Instructional services/ sender The upper secondary schools (VET/High school) Non-stop flexible and supported counselling Aim setting Apprenticeship training Salary supported workplace Employment and economic development offices Labour market training Strenghtening the life situation and social network work experiments Non-stop flexible and supported counselling Workshops, out-reached youth work Supported transfer Professional aim setting Non-stop flexible and supported counselling Improving studying and working skills Starting VET studies Improving life managment skills Finishing VET studies Self-guided, friends, family Open college Social office, youth work Transition to education Health services Dialogical, activating and counselling side by side Criminal sanctions agency
COUNSELLING CENTER Evaluating and developing Dialogical, activating and counselling side by side Becoming acquainted to the services Service and sector guidance and Co-operation with network operators Starting point survey confidential guidance relationship Validation of customers life situation Student counselling methods Individual coaching Aim setting Short- and long-term aim setting and evaluation during the guidance Methods i.a. target form (Goaling) Strenghtening the life situation and social network Supporting the strenghts and skills Social network survey Situation and skill training Increasing the self-observation Small group activities Methods: strengh cards, screening important things in life Professional aim setting Improving studying and working skills Previous work experiments Methods i.a. career cards, school and workplace visits, web-sites Transition to education Co-operation with schools Other co-operation partners Communication with student and networks Monitoring and support Guidance to other services, network co-operation Training and work experiment, practical training Encouraging and empowerment Online guidance (Facebook ) Necessary while guidance Evaluating and developing
OPEN COLLEGE 1. Applying for education Guidance in counselling office Interview, checking the selection criteria Application to employment and economic development office Student selection Counselling Center: Guidance side by side 2. Individual stydy plan Individual lenght, contents and aims Everyday life skills, strengthen study and worklife skills, vocational aims education aims review 3. Vocational education Options: The North Karelia College The North Karelia Adult Education Centre On-the-job learning based individual training in college or adult education center Co-operation with: Economic Development Office, Social Insurance Institution,schools, health care and social services 4. Guidance after open college Joint application system Open or flexible access to schools Guidance to other services
Group based preparatory training (to VET) OPEN COLLEGE Group based preparatory training (to VET) 2 – 3 days/week 2 – 3 days/week Individually: Core studies, ia. Finnish 1–4 cr Swedish 1 cr English1-2 cr Maths 1–3 cr Physics and chemistry 1 cr Arts and culture 1 cr Psychology 1 cr free-choice studies, which vary Self-knowledge and learning skills : communication and social skills, learning methods, phycical education Student counselling, work-based learning: periods that support career counselling and work skills Preparation for the post-graduate studies and and working life: career counselling, working life knowledge, alternative study forms, different short-term certificate courses (ia. first-aid, hygiene proficiency) Elementary school studies to revise grades 22.9.2018
Statistics: Youth Support Project 903 young by September 2013 549 longterm councelling 354 shortterm counselling (under 7 hours) In the end of counselling 48 % of clients transfered to further studies Most of the young aged 17-22 Open College number of students app. 300, including preparatory studies for VET app. 230 and vocational training app. 80 students
Statistics 361 nuorella keskeytyneitä koulutuksia Long-term counselling
Statistics Lopetuspäivämäärä eri suuri kuin 0 Pitkäkestoiset Vähennetään tuplat
Contact information: Tero Vornanen Project Manager p. 0504023195 Kristiina Sallinen Education Planner p. 0503100745 Hanna Nuutinen Counsellor p. 0504330439 Helena Härkönen Project Assistant p. 0505777820 22.9.2018