PD & RF/Acceleration Summary Discussion Muon Collider Design Workshop Test Muon Collider Design Workshop PD & RF/Acceleration Summary Discussion Chuck Ankenbrandt Muons, Inc. and Fermilab December 12, 2008 December 9, 2008 Chuck Ankenbrandt Muon Collider Design Workshop
Agenda: PD & RF Project X: the Initial Configuration Paul Derwent Project X as a Proton Driver Chuck Ankenbrandt Physics Issues of 8-GeV Acc/Buncher Ring Valeri Lebedev CW Linac Version of Project X Rol Johnson Overview of PD Studies in UK Chris Prior IDS PD to Drive a Muon Collider Scott Berg Recent RF Ideas Diktys Stratakis Dielectric Loaded RF Cavities Milorad Popovic December 12, 2008 Chuck Ankenbrandt Muon Collider Design Workshop
Agenda: Acceleration FFAG - Type Multipass Arcs for RLA's Dejan Trbojevic Multi-pass Droplet Arc Design Guimei Wang High-Gradient Induction Linacs for Protons and Muons Yu-Jiuan Chen Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons Don Summers Summary of Recent One-Day RF Workshop Andreas Jansson December 12, 2008 Chuck Ankenbrandt Muon Collider Design Workshop
Discussion Topics How to transform Project X into a Proton Driver? Should linac be CW or pulsed? How many IR’s? How promising are new Induction Accel. ideas? MANX, MICE, & the 5-year plan Will MC be low, med, or high emittance? What were the highlights of this workshop? Questions about particular talks December 12, 2008 Chuck Ankenbrandt Muon Collider Design Workshop
Scaling of Muon Collider Requirements The luminosity of a muon collider is given by the product of: the integrated luminosity per muon bunch pair injected, times the rep. rate Rb of injecting bunch pairs into the collider. Designers often assume (optimistically?) that the muon bunches can be made bright enough to reach the beam-beam limit. Then: and for given luminosity, energy, and beam-beam tune shift: the rep. rate scales inversely with the trans. emittance; the proton beam power is independent of the trans. emittance. December 9, 2008 Chuck Ankenbrandt Muon Collider Design Workshop