Persuasive Techniques! Can You Persuade Me? Year 7 English 2017
Emotive Language Definition: Language selected to evoke emotions. Words that make you feel a particular way.
Emotive Language An example: “The love you will feel for these people is astonishing. It will rip your heart out to see them suffer. It’s a horrific yet beautiful thing.”
Emotive Language Task With a partner, write a list of 25 words that might be considered emotive (in your books). Put 5 of these words into one paragraph. Choose the most emotive words you can! Read your paragraph aloud to your partner. How does it sound? Can your partner suggest any words that might make it sound even more emotive?
Repetition Definition: Occurs when words are repeated in order to make a stronger impact on the audience.
Repetition An example: “The people of this city deserve a mayor they can trust, a mayor they can respect, a mayor they can count on!”
Repetition Task Answer these questions in your books: What types of words do you think are best to be repeated? Provide some examples of your own. Write the introduction to a speech the Prime Minister might make to the Australian people about refugees. Be creative and use repetition! Share in your table groups.
Evidence Definition: Any material or information used in support of an argument. It can be: Facts and statistics Expert opinion Research
Evidence Examples: “The city’s 1.5 million households used over 500 billion litres of water.” “Wind power generates fewer pollutants than burning fossil fuels.”
Evidence Task Search (Behind The News) for three different examples of evidence being used to persuade. Write down the names of the three stories you find that use some kind of evidence.
Statistics and Data Definition: Numbers, tables and graphs, percentages and ratios used as evidence to support an argument. Statistics is the science of interpreting and analysing this information.
Statistics and Data
Statistics and Data Task Explain what the following graph is telling us in a sentence in your book. How might it be used to persuade an audience?
Connotations Definition: Positive or negative implications. Words or phrases with ‘loaded’ language that promote a positive or negative feeling or idea.
Connotations Examples: “The children were slaughtered as the slept.” “Her reckless behaviour was questioned.” “The Anzac legend will forever be.”
Connotations Task Work with a partner to write 10 sentences that have connotations. Use your dictionary to check the meanings of FIVE interesting words. Write this down. Use the online thesaurus as well:
Attacks Definition: Criticising or opposing an individual, a group, or an idea.
Attacks Examples: “Her comments are no more than childish gibberish”. “Mr Smith must be held accountable for the terrible test results.”
Attacks Task Work with a partner to write a short conversation. Type this up in Microsoft Word. In your conversation make at least three attacks at each other. We will select a few to be presented to the class!
Attacks – A Conversation Jane – “You are so inconsiderate, ungrateful, and rude!” Max – “Well, you are to blame for that, mother!” To be continued…
Anecdotes Definition: A short story usually recounting a personal experience to further persuade people for or against something.
Anecdotes Example: “When I was twelve years old, I took the train to the zoo. I have never been so frightened in all my life. The people I saw, the things they were saying and doing. Public transport is no place for children.”
Anecdotes Task In 40 words (exactly) write a personal anecdote by typing on this slide about something that has happened here at school in your first few weeks:
Hyperbole (Exaggeration) Definition: Gross exaggeration - used for a dramatic effect!
Hyperbole (Exaggeration) Example: “I’ll be the only 16 year old in the universe who’s not allowed to go to the party.” “We are all being brainwashed by mind numbing TV programs like ‘Big Brother’.”
Hyperbole Task You are going to write an advertisement selling a new product of some kind! Working with a partner, create a poster (on Microsoft Word) for your product using 10 hyperboles.
Appeals Definition: Appeals attempt to persuade through emotional manipulation; targeting of particular interests or concerns. There are many different types of appeals.
APPEAL TO REASON (AKA rational appeal) DEFINITION: This is persuasive writing that appeals to the part of humans that likes to think. It tries to persuade us by giving what appear to be good, solid reasons to share the author’s point of view. It uses facts, definitions, cause and effect, etc.
APPEAL TO REASON (AKA Rational Appeal) EXAMPLE: Many studies show that the most successful way for a student to improve his reading level is to READ!
Appeal to reason task Answer the following questions in paragraph form. What would be a reasonable way to convince year 7 students that they should all go to bed by 8.00pm? What would be a reasonable way to convince teachers that no homework should be given to students on weekends?
Emotional Appeal DEFINITION: This is when the writer appeals to powerful emotions, such as our love of country, family, peace, and justice, as well as to our fear and hatred of the things that threaten us.
Emotional Appeal EXAMPLE: Students, if you truly care about your grades and your futures, you will study day and night!
Emotional Appeals task In a group of three discuss the following emotional appeals. The ANZACs are proof that Australians are brave beyond compare. All footballers lack intelligence… they’re always on the telly doing something stupid. If you really loved your mother you’d give her roses for her birthday. Put them in order of most effective to least effective. Explain your thinking.
Appeal to Authority DEFINITION: This is when writers rely on their authority, credibility, or general character. They present themselves as trustworthy. They may have education or personal experience that makes them an authority, or they may get their information from others who do, mentioning experts as sources to lend credibility.
Appeal to Authority EXAMPLE: The Year 7 English teachers know from experience that the most successful students are those who come to school every day, pay attention in class, and complete all class assignments.
Appeals to authority task Make a list of all the people you can think of who have authority over you. Pick 5 and write an appeal to authority that includes these people.